the trials of donald j. trump

This is why the whole Trump thing is so infuriating. Everyone knows he's a liar and a crook and always has been. He regularly "confesses" to his crimes like he does here, yet somehow all the institutions he wants to destroy keep conspiring to empower him.

It's why I keep saying he is a symptom, not the cause, of the trouble in the US. When his big-mac bloated heart finally explodes, the US won't wake up to a bright sunny future. Everything that created Diaper Don will still exist. The danger will not have gone. The real worry is that the next one chosen as Fuhrer will have an actual plan, as opposed to being an overgrown child grasping at whatever grabs his attention this instant.

Defeating the fascists in this election is not the end of the fight, it's an attempt to keep from being wiped out. A battle for LITERAL survival.
If the MAGAts are defeated at the polls, they then must be rooted out, exposed for the undemocratic creatures they are. Their sources of funds must be traced, foreign agents must be charged and imprisoned. The corrupt supreme court must be reformed. This has been a wake up call. Are you listening, citizens of the USA?

And if y'all aren't ready for a long battle, you'll probably lose,

I swear tRump only opens his mouth to change feet. How he can continue calling himself a great negotiator while he uses checkers tactics against Jack Smith's 3D chessboard escapes me.

As the saying goes, Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake. The man is his own worst enemy thanks to his delusion of being a stable genius. More mistakes to follow I'm sure.

I swear tRump only opens his mouth to change feet. How he can continue calling himself a great negotiator while he uses checkers tactics against Jack Smith's 3D chessboard escapes me.

As the saying goes, Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake. The man is his own worst enemy thanks to his delusion of being a stable genius. More mistakes to follow I'm sure.

Penn and the Whoreton School must be proud. They passed a functional illiterate.