The trump family is an international crime syndicate

Rumor has it that the Hunter Biden stuff is in the news again because Stinkys children will soon be making headlines of their own.

They've agreed to testify before Congress and weren't even asked- they volunteered..guess they still want careers after this.

Am I on your ignore? If so I'll quit responding.
He sees himself as Caligula. He wishes he could host gladiatorial contests of anyone who disappointed him. He wants to point at strangers, say “kill that one” and see it done.
Caligula reigned for four years before the people revolted and the tribune of the praetorian guard, among other officials, killed him and his family...trump has already had his 4 years...
Stinky will be within 13 miles of me this weekend as he brings his retard carnival to a town near me. It's a small upscale rural area north of Detroit that's probably full of morons in love with the traitor. I'll be driving over to see the freak show from the outside.
Stinky will be within 13 miles of me this weekend as he brings his retard carnival to a town near me. It's a small upscale rural area north of Detroit that's probably full of morons in love with the traitor. I'll be driving over to see the freak show from the outside.
Got the local garden supply sites staked out?