The trump family is an international crime syndicate

Not an admission as he said it was rigged. Something he said even befor election day.
she should pick out every unflattering picture she has of trump, of him yelling, screaming, breaking shit, throwing tantrums, and make a book out of those, titled, the REAL trump, and how he treats those around him, with a forward explaining exactly how trump fucked her over
You say many as if you know exactly what crimes were committed. There's not a chance that the republicans don't gain seats in both the senate and house. Crime is up, wages are stagnant, inflation is through the roof, gas is $4 a gallon and will be for the foreseeable future, food shortages are on the way, Biden nominated a partisan woman to the supreme court that can't define woman because she's not a biologist, the feds are shipping illegal immigrants to all parts of the country in the middle of the night, and some places like New York passed laws that make it legal for anyone to vote. Guess me and the fam need to take a trip up there next time they have a vote and throw in our two cents. I'll vote for stupid policies to fuck up New York and California and set an example of why you don't need to elect the fringe hardcore left idiots into power. They will do anything to keep it.

He was not found guilty. He sait it doesn't exonerate him....which doesn't mean guilty. That was the biggest witch hunt of all time on the taxpayers dime.

Stating he would take a meeting with anyone with dirt on Hilary doesn't mean guilty of anything.
Hillary paid for the research(all hearsay and lies) that led to the FISA court to open the investigation...

Taxes...I mean he's just taking advantage of the loopholes in the tax laws. He didn't write them.

Mike Flynn was setup to purger himself which is really of no value. It was just the start of the Democrats trying to obstruct him from building his cabinet. Which they did the whole time he was in office.

Paul Manafort was also working with Tony Podesta and the Podesta group. Manafort was basically a fall guy for the Podesta Group. Tony Podesta was John Podesta's brother. John Podesta was the campaign chairman for Hillary. They were both lobbying for the Ukranian president at the time and failed to disclose that. The Podesta group closed after investigations and leaked eamils came out.

None of your arguments are valid.
By your standards, Trump is guilty as all hell.