The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I was up all night pounding down beer and woke up after a few hours sleep. got that graphics card in the post so gonna spend the day playing BF3 and such. Or just read a book and buy some comfort food, a sudden craving for marshmallows has arisen.

Bit of cheese oil should sort me out :)


Well-Known Member
2 boiled eggs and a pint of water. hangover cure.
Ive been clean for over 2 weeks. No drink, no chemicals and no smoke. Dont feel any different apart from I want to get hammered every 2 secs instead of every 5 secs. Your farts are gonae be rotten m8. Anyhow the OFT are not interested in me anymore. All sorted with a payment of £1900 from me back to a customer. Ooops! Note to self, if someone has more money than a horse can shit and is really un fucking streetwise don't think you can pull the wool over their eyes, coz they always know someone as wide as you.


Well-Known Member
ahm back on it bill but ahm being reasonably sensible (now thats a fuckin miracle in its own right), just kinda drinkin once or twice a week and usually in the house wae the girl. last night had a litre of voddy and a henry between us. thats only really about £60 each, damn sight better than doin £200 three times a week.


Well-Known Member
You been trying to scam your clients billy? :D
No scam m8. Just overcharged for my time, to which she was happy to pay but her son got involved. I stood firm and explained I would not refund anything as we had agreed on the price. Son then proceeded to go to trading standards and the FSA, and I explained to them. Now you want to fly under the radar of these guys, coz u don't want them pulling every file you have and checking all your complience so I agreed on a settlement which made everyone happy

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Sounds like the definition of scam to me :lol: Although i guess it only really becomes "scam" once the son get's involved and challenges it, i think you are right in that if you and her have agreed a price then there's fuck all he should be able to do. Like if i were to offer to fix somebodies computer software for £50 and after money being agreed and exchanged, her kid getting pissy saying he could have done it for £25, tough shit. As you say though, always best to steer clear of OFT and that lot, i use that all the time, moment a company starts trying to play me, i tell them i wish for their name and that of their supervisor and a direct number for trading standards to get in touch via, they tend to start yes sir no sir three bags full sir, cunts.

In fact about to do just that with 02, my contract expired a few days ago, yet i looekd on my online account and there's already a next bill date setup, they're just up and staritng another 18 month contract, havn't even phoned me to mention it or ask about if i want a new contract or handset etc. Illlllegal :D

£60 for one evening seems like an utter waste of money to me :D


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the definition of scam to me :lol: Although i guess it only really becomes "scam" once the son get's involved and challenges it, i think you are right in that if you and her have agreed a price then there's fuck all he should be able to do. Like if i were to offer to fix somebodies computer software for £50 and after money being agreed and exchanged, her kid getting pissy saying he could have done it for £25, tough shit. As you say though, always best to steer clear of OFT and that lot, i use that all the time, moment a company starts trying to play me, i tell them i wish for their name and that of their supervisor and a direct number for trading standards to get in touch via, they tend to start yes sir no sir three bags full sir, cunts.

In fact about to do just that with 02, my contract expired a few days ago, yet i looekd on my online account and there's already a next bill date setup, they're just up and staritng another 18 month contract, havn't even phoned me to mention it or ask about if i want a new contract or handset etc. Illlllegal :D

£60 for one evening seems like an utter waste of money to me :D
I feel for the phone monkey at o2 who gets THAT

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Nah, i'm just gonna tell the bank to refuse any payment requests and see what o2 do. It's exactly the same with your gas and electricity, you don't actually hold any contract with them meaning that there is no contractual obligation to pay. They call them "deemed contracts" basically thinking that if yo are using their service, then it stands to reason that you would want a contract so they create one. They claim it's for the convenience of moving into new houses, sorry but that's not their choice to make, noone can opt you into a legally binding contract without your agreement.


Well-Known Member
Its a rolling contract unless u give 30 days notice before the end contract date it automatically renews. But 30 days nitice will get you out anytime now ttt


Well-Known Member
A duck walks into a bar and says to the barman, "Got any bread?"
Barman says: "No"
Duck says: "Got any Bread?"
Barman says: "No"
Duck says: "Got any Bread?"
Barman says: "No, we have no bread."
Duck says: "Got any bread"
Barman says: "No, we haven't got any fucking bread."
Duck says: "Got any bread?"
Barman says: "No, are you deaf? We haven't got any fucking bread. Ask me again and I'll nail your fucking beak to the bar, you irritating bastard bird!"
Duck says: "Got any nails?"
Barman says: "No."
Duck says: "Got any bread?"


Well-Known Member
Nah, i'm just gonna tell the bank to refuse any payment requests and see what o2 do. It's exactly the same with your gas and electricity, you don't actually hold any contract with them meaning that there is no contractual obligation to pay. They call them "deemed contracts" basically thinking that if yo are using their service, then it stands to reason that you would want a contract so they create one. They claim it's for the convenience of moving into new houses, sorry but that's not their choice to make, noone can opt you into a legally binding contract without your agreement.
you sign a contract under the CCA 1974 so your contractually obligated to anuthing where you are receiving a credit account


Well-Known Member
A man hates his wife's cat so much he drives to the next town and dumps it.
When he gets home, it's there.
Next day he drives 50 miles and dumps it.
When he gets home, it's there.
So the next day he drives to the other side of the country and dumps it.
One hour later he rings his wife and asks, "is the cat home?"
"Yes, why?" asks his wife.
"Put the cunt on," he says, "I'm fucking lost."

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
you sign a contract under the CCA 1974 so your contractually obligated to anuthing where you are receiving a credit account
It's all good, i found my terms and conditions, they're fucked :D They only have legal right to apply a new minimum term if i upgrade my handset, so until i do, they're breaking the law and if money is removed from my account, that is fraud and they will be taken to court. Currently chatting with my dad and my odler brother, both high skilled lawyers :D


Well-Known Member
It's all good, i found my terms and conditions, they're fucked :D They only have legal right to apply a new minimum term if i upgrade my handset, so until i do, they're breaking the law and if money is removed from my account, that is fraud and they will be taken to court. Currently chatting with my dad and my odler brother, both high skilled lawyers :D
You will only achieve so much. This day and age, if you really want to fuck with a company, you blog about their bad deeds and destroy their reputation.

God bless the internet.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm not tryig to achieve anything, i'm just happy to take it as far as it needs to be taken for them to realise not to try taking my money without my permission :D I'm raring to cut all connections with o2 so i'm not really fussed in any way about their reputation.They sell iphones, how could they ever aquire a bad reputation :p