The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
dont get me started ttt , my wages seemed low this week , when i got my pay slip i had the typical - tax - ni but also had - council tax !!! wtf out my pissing wages the cunts

owe'd a bill from a previous place with an x , they literately just started taking it out my wages , both our names on there so im praying to god shes paying fucking half >:(


Well-Known Member
i had a simular problem with vodashit , they charged me double my monthly calls and when i questioned it 90% of that charge was for using my answer phone service ... why the fuck should i pay to listen to a message that has been left for me , i dont pay to read a text message ! , i refused to pay and they told me they would bar my calls until payment was made , i said i was happy to pay my line rental which included 600 free minutes and unlimited free texts but i was refusing to pay the outstanding answer phone call charges , they said fine but i wont get my free texts or free calls , i told them that that was part of my line rental charges so they are basicly telling me to pay for something i am not recieving , i told them to cancel my account and the idiots said to cancel it i would have to pay the remaing months line rental ... i told them i was cancelling because im not happy with there service so why the hell would i pay to get out of it ... told them to get stuffed, send me a SIGNED copy of my contract through the post or get lost , i cancelled them with the bank ... see what happens lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I found another strange charge ifrom 02 which has me thinking. They are charging me for sending picture messages, however my contract includes unlimited texts and unlimited mobile internet, picture messages are sent via mobile internet are they not? So where does the cost materialize from? :D everyones getting bitchy at me because how will they contact me, fuck it, i can lose a friend or two if it means not having a mobile phone any more :)


Well-Known Member
I found another strange charge ifrom 02 which has me thinking. They are charging me for sending picture messages, however my contract includes unlimited texts and unlimited mobile internet, picture messages are sent via mobile internet are they not? So where does the cost materialize from? :D everyones getting bitchy at me because how will they contact me, fuck it, i can lose a friend or two if it means not having a mobile phone any more :)
picture message is being sent via a different service center , ud have to go on ur web find a site to send the pic to someones phone for it to be free.


Well-Known Member
Av been a debt collector 4 nigh in 10 yrs. If it was sooooo simple to deal with telecommunications conpanies like this do u think they would be sittin on millions or would it be the consumer. No disrespect to your bro ir father ttt but am quite sure o2 hve an equally able legal team and also vodafone. Vidafone hve stung me twice over the yrs so a know how it feels as usual we jst hve to take it. O2 wnt hold you to anither 18 months all they require is ur 30 days notice as long as u havent upgraded ur handset

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Their legal team is only of use if something is being earnestly contested. I have found my contract, what they have done is in breach of the terms agreed on. They do not have legal authority to create a new contract until i upgrade my handset. This has nothing to do with "beating" the phone company, i am not doing what most would do, the majority happily accept a new contract, that's why it's done, based on making life simpler, but i'm one of the few that would prefer to do things the complicated way but do them properly :D I am fully within my rights to refuse them any payment and they are fully aware of this.

These are our Tariff Terms for Pay Monthly customers after 29 March 2011. They'll apply to you if you have joined Pay Monthly, upgraded your phone and signed up for a new minimum term or changed the tariff you're on (or elements of it) since 29 March 2011. If you haven't done one of these things, the Tariff Terms when you signed up, last upgraded or changed your tariff will still apply until you do or until we contact you to tell you otherwise.
My original tariff and terms and conditions (my contract) as such still stand, based on the order being made prior to 29th March 2011. This
3 Length of Agreement
3.1 This Agreement commences, following acceptance of your application by us, on the day on which you receive your SIM Card or, if you do not receive your
SIM Card at the time of purchase, for example if you connect to an online tariff, on the day your SIM Card is dispatched.
3.2 At the end of any Minimum Period or following commencement of the Agreement if you have selected a SIM Only tariff, this Agreement will continue
until it is terminated in accordance with paragraph 8 below.
3.3 If you upgrade your Handset with us you agree that a new Minimum Period will apply. This will commence on the date that you upgrade."
As you can see, i'm completely in the green here :) It's all rather straight forward, they're just trying to be sly, possibly as you say under the thought that we're a multibillion pound copmany who's gonna stand upto us and our lawyers. Meee :D

Until they contact me to arrange otherwise, or i upgrade my handset, they're in violation.


Well-Known Member
Your not in a contract tho ttt and they haven't put you in a new on. But it will state you have to give 30 days notice to cancel, but if u make enough noise they will just cancel there and then.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I only have to give 30 days notice to cancel if i am cancelling prematurely. I am not, i have run my contract to it's end. Somehow my phone is still active and they are still trying to bill me, which wouldn't make sense unless i was indeed supposedly onto a new contract. what can i say, free phone service :D whooo


Well-Known Member
2. Your Minimum Period​
– Your Pay Monthly
Mobile Agreement has a minimum contract term
called a minimum period. After that minimum
period, you can end the Agreement by giving us
30 days notice. If you want to end the Agreement
during the minimum period then you will have to
pay a fee of no more than your monthly charges
multiplied by the number of months left in your
minimum period. Details of how we calculate the
fee are on our Website. Details about the minimum

period are in paragraph 8 of the Agreement.


Well-Known Member
Until it is terminated in accordance to paragraph 8. There will be a term tht they will bill you monthly until 30 days notice is given

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The terms and conditions on 02's website do not apply to my contract ;) My terms and conditions do not include that, they are different.

These are our Tariff Terms for Pay Monthly customers after 29 March 2011. They'll apply to you if you have joined Pay Monthly, upgraded your phone and signed up for a new minimum term or changed the tariff you're on (or elements of it) since 29 March 2011. If you haven't done one of these things, the Tariff Terms when you signed up, last upgraded or changed your tariff will still apply until you do or until we contact you to tell you otherwise.
o2's publicised terms and condtions do not apply to me ;) rather the ones i got when making the agreement, which state the only way a contract canb be continued or renewed is if it is a sim only agreement, which it isn't, or if you have upgraded the handset, which i havn't. Until i upgrade my phone it is their old etrms which apply ;)


Well-Known Member
Go for it TTT......anyway everyone should be on the new network Giffgaff. All my m8's r on it. Dodgy name, dodgy address. £10 top up get u unlimited calls to fellow giffgaff'ers, 250mins to any phone, unlimited txt's and unlimited internet. Brilliant

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I often think i should be a lawyer of some sort :D i do enjoy the buzz off pissing copmpanies off haha. I don't think i'd become a rich layer using that business model though :lol:

I'm just looking forward to not having a mobile phone, in the past 18 months it has proved itself pretty much useless. As a camera or mp3 player etc it's jsut great, but well, i do not accept phone calls, and do not ake them, so i always wonder why i have a phone haha.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Watching old shcool Bond :D love it! first he tries to force himself on her, and now he's using the idea of her getting fired to blackmail her into a bit of sex in the steam room :lol:

Know exactly what you mean haha, as i say, my old man and my eldest brother are both london lawyers, they're both strange as fuck in their own special way. Well dads just nuts full stop i think, i'll make the effort to visit the folks house, and after dinner instead of sitting down to have a chat with our mugs of tea, he'll just bugger off, sit on a bench on his own and stare at a flower bed or a wall. I think i can see where my anti-social nature might be stemming from lol


Well-Known Member
Watching old shcool Bond :D love it! first he tries to force himself on her, and now he's using the idea of her getting fired to blackmail her into a bit of sex in the steam room :lol:

Know exactly what you mean haha, as i say, my old man and my eldest brother are both london lawyers, they're both strange as fuck in their own special way. Well dads just nuts full stop i think, i'll make the effort to visit the folks house, and after dinner instead of sitting down to have a chat with our mugs of tea, he'll just bugger off, sit on a bench on his own and stare at a flower bed or a wall. I think i can see where my anti-social nature might be stemming from lol
he's maybe pulling bongs on the fly mate.


Well-Known Member
hey bill just got a wee single white one from our mutual friend. two lines and ahm fuckin flying mate. christ that's
good gear.