The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Hey up lads!

Fucked off with soil grows thinkin of making the leap to hydro any suggestions for starter kits? Done coco before, same results yield wise?

Bear in mind id kill a fucking house plant so nothing too taxing please
im on my first real dwc attempt and as the lads say its the fuckin business, im an experienced soil grower but i'll never go back to it. dwc is fuckin idiot proof, supersillybilly can do it so that should tell u all. when i first thought about it i was readin all sorts of shit about ph and using ppm meters, checking this that and the next fucking thing, its total bullshit. as tiptop says its a bucket of water wae an air-stone, end of story. empty the fucker once a week, fill it up and add the nutes. i'l never do soil again.


Well-Known Member
3 weeks since i transplanted it into the waterfarm mate but if im honest the 1st 7-10 days it didnt grow much as it was in transplant shock and i was figuring out the ph etc so its only really been growing in there for 10 - 12 TRUE veg days

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
My BSBCB has been veged 4-5 weeks and well, it's bigger than my flowering plants :D getting on a meter wide. There could infact be unintended genious in my grow :D The wire mesh has just curled into a U keeping all growth around the buld so better node spacing, then when i put it into flower i can tie the mesh horizontal and it bends all of the stems out into a pretty fancy looking flat managed scrog :D


Well-Known Member
hey hey!

well just been to york to see relatives! suks
anyways on way ther took the dog to give to her mum after the missuc hanged her mind after we got it! women threw up on my hamnett jacket 5 times and coz we had starved her for the journey it was bile! bare in mind was fucking coldlast nite all i had on was shorts and t shirt ffs
so half a pak of baby wipes later and full tin of lynx gassed everyone on bus i was to wearing it inside out ffs.

SO the return journey on coatsliiner if i sed was ok id be a LIER fuksake NO chairs stadning fuk i got a feel for how the jews felt in ww2.
so expecting the flue to kik in anyday from the close cramped coffing bus conditions
dont u think the oldies and foreigners are arrgoant bastards wont moove oh fuking no just stand ther wen i got pram to get on and fuk wen the bus stops wait ther turn? ohhhhh nooo! lol push past arrogant tw@'s


think my next ones gunna be 2 or 3 dwc mine are getting fuking big 9 days and they STINK!" hurrah!


Well-Known Member
hey hey!

well just been to york to see relatives! suks
anyways on way ther took the dog to give to her mum after the missuc hanged her mind after we got it! women threw up on my hamnett jacket 5 times and coz we had starved her for the journey it was bile! bare in mind was fucking coldlast nite all i had on was shorts and t shirt ffs
so half a pak of baby wipes later and full tin of lynx gassed everyone on bus i was to wearing it inside out ffs.

SO the return journey on coatsliiner if i sed was ok id be a LIER fuksake NO chairs stadning fuk i got a feel for how the jews felt in ww2.
so expecting the flue to kik in anyday from the close cramped coffing bus conditions
dont u think the oldies and foreigners are arrgoant bastards wont moove oh fuking no just stand ther wen i got pram to get on and fuk wen the bus stops wait ther turn? ohhhhh nooo! lol push past arrogant tw@'s


think my next ones gunna be 2 or 3 dwc mine are getting fuking big 9 days and they STINK!" hurrah!
in reference to your later statement; i was brought up to be very polite and always help and respect people but the older i get the less i care about it, got to point where if the fuckers dont so me respect they're not gettin it back.


Well-Known Member
in reference to your later statement; i was brought up to be very polite and always help and respect people but the older i get the less i care about it, got to point where if the fuckers dont so me respect they're not gettin it back.
yes they do take the piss i was brought up with respect and fuk if a old lady needs the chair she can have it! guess im old fashoined but nowayds the elders just tar eveyone with the "chav" stigma "hoodlum" ect ect piss take


Well-Known Member
yes they do take the piss i was brought up with respect and fuk if a old lady needs the chair she can have it! guess im old fashoined but nowayds the elders just tar eveyone with the "chav" stigma "hoodlum" ect ect piss take
i remember an incedent from over 20 years ago where i was at the very front of a long bus queue and an old dear tried to walk right in front of to the very head of the line, i saw her from the side of my left eye and just stuck my arm out and grabbed the metal bar thats on buses to help you on, nearly 'clothes-lined' the old cunt. she stopped dead, looked at me and walked away. i would ave gave her my place had she asked but i was so angry at her bad manners. at that point i had a large green mohican and full on punk look so i wasnt a sorta fade intae the backround sorta guy.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I agree with dura. I respect old folk, hell, i've even walked them down the step from the shop at work because they're bad legs, but i will not put up with an arrogant old codger that thinks they can just do as they please and folk will react accordingly. Manners go both ways :) And i'll fuck with your head if you try it otherwise. So yeah, i should be a lawyer, and a psychiatrist. Both of which are purely for pissing people off and not actually benefiting mankind :lol:


Well-Known Member
trimmed about 40-50oz this wk all livers and pyschosis shame it werent mine tho lol stil get snorted out so carnt complain.........


Well-Known Member
yes they do take the piss i was brought up with respect and fuk if a old lady needs the chair she can have it! guess im old fashoined but nowayds the elders just tar eveyone with the "chav" stigma "hoodlum" ect ect piss take
thats because theyre mostly right. compared to when old people were growing up say the 40s, 50s, britain if not the world has gone down the pan. london is full of blacks and white people that wanna be black, thus knife and gun crime has gone through the roof. places like bluewater the shopping center is chav central to the point where theyve banned hoodies. and just respect for people in general has gone down. i dont blame them for stereotyping people because its all around. theres still no excuse for rudeness though.


Well-Known Member
thats because theyre mostly right. compared to when old people were growing up say the 40s, 50s, britain if not the world has gone down the pan. london is full of blacks and white people that wanna be black, thus knife and gun crime has gone through the roof. places like bluewater the shopping center is chav central to the point where theyve banned hoodies. and just respect for people in general has gone down. i dont blame them for stereotyping people because its all around. theres still no excuse for rudeness though.
my argument when the grey brigaid start bitchin about 'the youth of today' and how people were more polite and the violence wasnt the same is to point out the 1st and 2 nd world wars, glasgow razor gangs, the korean war, the vietnam war and so forth. everybody has the rose tinted specs of youth.


trouble wiv you young feckers is you dont know what hard work is LMAO everything handed to you on a fucking plate...during the war..... LMAO

dont tar all us older feckers wiv da same brush... 60's. 70's was a good era and any fucker giving it large from that era about how twatty our youth of today are never toked or took acid or fuck all.. just pretended to be groovy well really they were squares...

anyway tis nice to see spotty oiky feckerfaces growing their own percy.


Well-Known Member

well they are 6 weeks in to 12/12 today last night i gave a good flush as of to much nuts plus gave them good pruning to let as much light in now as only got about 2 weeks to go how do they look to you all, i think they have stop growing as i'm not seeing anymore size going on them

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

That's what i like to wake up to see :D great work.

The indian family across the road are having some big celebration on the street today, i'm not sure what butit involves a big ol horse with what appears to be emergency blankets draped over it.


Well-Known Member

well they are 6 weeks in to 12/12 today last night i gave a good flush as of to much nuts plus gave them good pruning to let as much light in now as only got about 2 weeks to go how do they look to you all, i think they have stop growing as i'm not seeing anymore size going on them
Lookin nice pal but id advise ya not to flush with just plain water try half a dose but plenty of runoff if u gave en to much nutes some nicr donkey dicks there pal and the pruning should work wonders for you !!