The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
how do all. if u have a plant thats bottom heavy can that b a def or ph related? i put it down to light being to close but am starting to debate this as seen journals with same light 10 inchs closer then i have it and huge top buds?????
no 2 plants/growes are the same pal show us sum pics

but believe me i aint no cooper to be honest im far from it
but if you was then thats what you would say isent it?
unlkess your in scotland then i think if u ask sum1 u bnelive to be old bill if they are old bill if they say no im not and they are then hey cant do shit......................parantly

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
i no dude but im a hater off all things electric. no pics no. but these plants am talking about r cloned off my last grow and i had issues with themto. do the clones turn out the same as parents as in if i had a lock out on the parent plants will the cutting do the same?
was mainly wondering can a plant produce good bottom growth and really slow shit growth on top half from lock out or ph issues? seems it couldnt to me as i wood thought the whole plant wood loch out and not just the top 3/4?


Well-Known Member
oh u mean like a genetehnic trait like wat the mom has the kids have kinda like tards

if you had issues with the mommy i wouldent have done cuttings from here

and yes ive heard off traits being p[assed from one tard to another

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
oh u mean like a genetehnic trait like wat the mom has the kids have kinda like tards

if you had issues with the mommy i wouldent have done cuttings from here

and yes ive heard off traits being p[assed from one tard to another
cool. am just trying to narrow down the list off wot it could b. i no i shouldnt off cloned but i was only using a 150 hps before and i thought the lack off power was reason they froze on growth for near a month but now im thinking it cos was 1st run and i didnt have a clue wot i was doing. that and a high nute soil and a hot summer i think r reason y the parents messed up abit and the clones r just doing same asits in there make up now. all was for practise tho.wasnt expecting a big yeild was just trying iron out few issues and see if could do lil better each grow.
my blue chedz is a good way through veg and i would b crazy angry if i do same to them. 1 my favs but put off popping them till had couple grows under the belt. i had look at a pic on my phone off last batch i forgot i had pic and was simular to this grow just lil on smaller side then this round but i have over doubled the watts.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
oh u mean like a genetehnic trait like wat the mom has the kids have kinda like tards

if you had issues with the mommy i wouldent have done cuttings from here

and yes ive heard off traits being p[assed from one tard to another
thats last bit in ya message hadme in stitchs think ive had lil to much smoke. u no if just saw that last sentance u wood think we some nazi fecks. sounds like got a mentally handicapped hatred going on hahaha
. cheers tho man all info a help


Well-Known Member
thats last bit in ya message hadme in stitchs think ive had lil to much smoke. u no if just saw that last sentance u wood think we some nazi fecks. sounds like got a mentally handicapped hatred going on hahaha
. cheers tho man all info a help

fuck the tards lmao !!
Lockout is caused by the medium not the plant ... if you took a cutting from a mother with a lock out deficiency then once you gave the cutting the right ph and amounts of feed it would recover.... lockouts are not genetic traits ...


Well-Known Member
fuck the tards lmao !!
Lockout is caused by the medium not the plant ... if you took a cutting from a mother with a lock out deficiency then once you gave the cutting the right ph and amounts of feed it would recover.... lockouts are not genetic traits ...
but its only half the plant wats fucked? so gotta be summet genetic more than lockou for the same issue with the same cuttings of the same plant

what medium u uisng pal

and shame ur not in north yorks i would have swapped a 250 hps with 600 watt bulb for ur 150 :P

and ttt ur profile page is one word FUCKED kinda like your mind lmao

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
fuck the tards lmao !!
Lockout is caused by the medium not the plant ... if you took a cutting from a mother with a lock out deficiency then once you gave the cutting the right ph and amounts of feed it would recover.... lockouts are not genetic traits ...
oh really? so most likely my issues was light distance? got the new mag plus led and it has a proper kick to it.
u ever heard off any kind offlock out or ph/temp issues which could cause a crap canopy growth and huge growth at bottom. im over 2 foot away with light was at 15 inchs wen noticed my probs. seen a journal or two which tastier looking plants then mine and light only ten inchs off. as u can tell im confused as a monkey without a tree to climb

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
but its only half the plant wats fucked? so gotta be summet genetic more than lockou for the same issue with the same cuttings of the same plant

what medium u uisng pal

and shame ur not in north yorks i would have swapped a 250 hps with 600 watt bulb for ur 150 :P

and ttt ur profile page is one word FUCKED kinda like your mind lmao
west plus soil it very high in nutes. i never over watered. the light i gave to a mate off mine. he did outdoor grow that got half eaten so i gave him the small unit i had get him learning indoors. safer and cant do outdoors in this shit winter weather


Well-Known Member
its hard to know what you mean without pics ?? does the top look weak and ill or just not as bushy? can you try bending the top over and let the sides grow out, or just cut the top and let the sides take over as main colas ?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
its hard to know what you mean without pics ?? does the top look weak and ill or just not as bushy? can you try bending the top over and let the sides grow out, or just cut the top and let the sides take over as main colas ?
all fan leaves r gone now and smaller ones r purple at the top. lil purple lower but still green also. guess will only truelly know on next round with fresh genetics . im on week 7 0r 8 so dont wanna cutt anything off as to late to do that, i have them bent over n held with string now but growth seems slow to me now. oh well ent end world u live n learn.
my blue cheese vegging looks perfect no def or problems and loving being topped, got more heads on one fecker then i did on last four plants combined. just wanting figure issues before flip the chedz in next 2-3 wks. using diff soil now and gun add lil perlight to help drainage. if can master this light should b good times ahead. just have a feeling it half to do with cloning crap parents that go t bit abused early on in grow

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
its hard to know what you mean without pics ?? does the top look weak and ill or just not as bushy? can you try bending the top over and let the sides grow out, or just cut the top and let the sides take over as main colas ?
to b fair also i see alot new growth on top buds alot white hairs popped out so maybe filling in late. i hope so as cant run much longer then couple more weeks. think on the blue chedz will figure out pics here so can show u wot im doing if run into same problems. cheers for ya time gents


Well-Known Member
to b fair also i see alot new growth on top buds alot white hairs popped out so maybe filling in late. i hope so as cant run much longer then couple more weeks. think on the blue chedz will figure out pics here so can show u wot im doing if run into same problems. cheers for ya time gents
no worries mate , im sure you'll get there :)


Well-Known Member
west plus soil it very high in nutes. i never over watered. the light i gave to a mate off mine. he did outdoor grow that got half eaten so i gave him the small unit i had get him learning indoors. safer and cant do outdoors in this shit winter weather
west yorks??

ive got a 250 hps built in ballast

wanting a cfl to do 1 plant in that family airloume box i got ima stand it on its end so be about 4 foot tall and stik the cfl at the top

so il swap a 250hps with ballast and il even throw in a crabon filter :) bought not

and have u seen all the mad froums on here dmt wtf shrooms

anyone actally tried to grow any of this stuff?

may try it

level 5 thanx
any thoughts guys? or u all to morlaxed


Active Member

Came downstairs this morning to get brat breakfast... To see that it'd opened the little spice jar I'd carelessly left on my computer desk last night... Pulled out the little bag inside... Somehow opened it and removed my last two buds, crumbled them into confetti - yay, so far nothing more than child labour for the preparation of drugs - then EATEN most of it.

It's nearly 9 a.m. When do I expect the stuff to get fully digested and hit the brat's bloodstream?


Active Member
*breathing deeply*

OK it wasn't most of it. I think the kid literally only licked up a few crumbs out of curiosity. But still. But still. THAT WAS A CHILDPROOF JAR!!!!


Active Member
lmao 'brat' will be fine unless you cook the weed it wont have much effect at all.
*frowning* Brat seems normal but it's hard to tell because it seems to have been on drugs since birth. As I type, "normal" equates to "chatting to a piece of stale bread".

I'll get worried if it starts munching on the only munchies in the house that I refuse to consume (bombay mix - yuck yuck yuck)


Well-Known Member
yeh its ok our little en swallowed sum bud of mine sghes 19 months she swallowed like a gramme no effect on her at all SHE DID HOWEVER GET A EFFECT ON A SWIG OF 8.5 LAGER SHE HAD ONCE BUT SHHHHH
anyways yeh u gotta cook the weed to have any effect

rite new pc case arrived gotta set me liquid cooling up such a fooking pain c ya til later