The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
bombay mix is just what they sweep up in the curry houses. They dont waste a thing.
Aha I wondered what nasty little squashed lentils were doing in the mix. But now I'm worried that the thing I munched a few nights ago really was a spice-coated cockroach :( Lıterally the only creature I hate is the cockroach. Spiders, scorpions, snakes, giant centipedes - I have kept most of 'em as pets some time or another. But cockroaches? Urrgh. They're not normal. They're evil. And they're the only insect that smells of rotten meat when it dies. Bleurgh. Although I do know a species of caterpillar that smells of coriander when accidentally squashed...


Active Member
If you look closely at some of the bigger squashed bits you can sometimes pick out 'reebok' or 'adidas' lol, How is everybody anyway??? i havent said much in a while just been sorting out my new grow, got the cheesedawg and sleestack vegging and 2 barneys pineapple express autos just started flowering for a harvest end of january.


Active Member
How can the sun be setting? It's 3 o'clock!!

Thanks to all this talk of squashed spiced cockroaches I haven't had any lunch. And now the sun is setting. The logical next step would of course be to roll one, but I only have the crumbs left from the brat's breakfast. Anybody fancy a drive up to Cow Country tonight?


Active Member
What a fucking awful day. Hail the size of peas. Where's cow country? This is cider country but we have lots of cows as well.
Oh you must live down south if your hail is only pea-sized *smugly* OUR hail is the size of cows' bollocks, according to the local weather report...

Cow Country is my polite edited censored euphemistic public epithet for Yorkshire.


Active Member
A shit hole in other words :D I am indeed a southerner.
Ahem. A Cowpat Hole.

Born and bred down in Kent myself. Before I buggered off to Foreign Parts and picked up Foreign Ways* and had a Foreign Kid.

*It's true. I can't get rid of the kiss-on-both-cheeks reflex. It's embarrassing.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
HIHIHIHIHI still working my way through my chocolate wine alongside some peroni and a nice cheesey joint :) watching Down to Earth, havn't seen it in years and years, Chris Rock is a funny man.


Well-Known Member
HIHIHIHIHI still working my way through my chocolate wine alongside some peroni and a nice cheesey joint :) watching Down to Earth, havn't seen it in years and years, Chris Rock is a funny man.
i was watching some chris rock standup the other day ... genius :)


Active Member
youtube or google work wonders ....
Any idea how many Chris Rock vids are out there?! I asked for the best, your favourites, the defining Chris Rock moments. But thanks for the pointer, mate - only my client is now off the phone and I have work to do.

Which software do any of you use for video editing?


Well-Known Member
Any idea how many Chris Rock vids are out there?! I asked for the best, your favourites, the defining Chris Rock moments. But thanks for the pointer, mate - only my client is now off the phone and I have work to do.

Which software do any of you use for video editing?
my favorites might not be your favorites ..... youtube "defining" chris rock moments if thats specifically what your after ;p lol

dont really do video editing , i have a friend who does ... i think he uses a prog called adobe premier CS or something along those lines , not sure how user friendly it is though ... he's abit of a geek and prefers to use the more in depth complicated stuff ....