The UK Growers Thread!

Someones grumpy :P

Sounds like it could just be the calyx that are looking like balls tbh. Check them and see if there is little hairs coming out of them.

A pic would be handy but its no biggy. I had the same problem. I will try and find the links people sent me to help :)
Does Sambo have a hangover. lol I get annoyed when cunts start asking which way to put the tap root in, water tempeture, humidity.....bla bla bla bla fucking bla. ITS A FUCKING WEED. HARD AS FUCK TO KILL AND WILL GROW FUCKING ANYWHERE. Im sure if I can grow semi decent weed so can any cunt. Im sure people kill their plants with too much love. Oh Aye Noob, get a fucking picture up. lol Cheers Sambo you've started me. lol
Someones grumpy :P

Sounds like it could just be the calyx that are looking like balls tbh. Check them and see if there is little hairs coming out of them.

A pic would be handy but its no biggy. I had the same problem. I will try and find the links people sent me to help :)

pissing in the
is there any pistols or do you just have balls. sounds like a male but balls nomally come in pairs google how to determine sex of plant and have a look without pics thats your best bet
lol i aint grumpy or hungover just after 3yrs of seeing silly posts like that ya just carnt help but say it how it is, if ya gonna grow you should research and at least no the cunting difference from a bud n a pollen sack.
Will try and put pic on later tonight as there sleeping,
Thanks for all your help(some of you).
Billy & newuserlol omg chill what's with all the swearing, don't answer me if its annoys you like I said can't do pic at mo.
Have checked YouTube and net but getting mixed answers.
I have pulled it out of my room and got it all by itself to see what it does.
Pics will be up around 11 tonight!
lmfao yeah no swearing please this the uk thread we like to keep things civil n sweet.

bet ya get more answers to ya problems come 11pm cuntface lol
Help, I have a plant that has serated leafs, is it a boy or a girl. Ive had it under a 600w light for 206 days and she is only 3 inches tall. Do I need to plug the light in.....any advice would be great
Will try and put pic on later tonight as there sleeping,
Thanks for all your help(some of you).
Billy & newuserlol omg chill what's with all the swearing, don't answer me if its annoys you like I said can't do pic at mo.
Have checked YouTube and net but getting mixed answers.
I have pulled it out of my room and got it all by itself to see what it does.
Pics will be up around 11 tonight!

your the one that needs to chill m8. Stick around this thread. You need to be tough tho. lol Its all in good fun
lol i aint grumpy or hungover just after 3yrs of seeing silly posts like that ya just carnt help but say it how it is, if ya gonna grow you should research and at least no the cunting difference from a bud n a pollen sack.

What's wrong in getting a 2nd opinion!!
At least there's some helpful ppl on this thread
All in fun gik all in fun.... With pics you'l get help no probs minus the abuse lol.

There can be so many different answers without a pic. Like he said pissin in the wind lol
Someones grumpy :P

Sounds like it could just be the calyx that are looking like balls tbh. Check them and see if there is little hairs coming out of them.

A pic would be handy but its no biggy. I had the same problem. I will try and find the links people sent me to help :)

A few weeks ago there were little leaves/green hairs coming out of balls and like I say at the top there is 3 sort of balls together which appeared this morning.
Will do you a pic tonight robotboy if your about?