The UK Growers Thread!

sounds like a male if it does not have pistols if you have veged long enough you should have pairs of fine white looking hairs sprouting from the nodes or balls on males
goood morning the nurses just been round to redoo me bandages

so hows all u whoney wusseys this AM lets see if robbies gift tunrs up today wer onto day 11 of waitiing and its fuking killing me grrrr
dident bother removing the seeds i dint wanna fuk with em so ive orderd the calzym stuff x22 coz the 1st one i orderd hes away til 23rd and i need it now so orderd another one
on a plus side the nurses have told the doc to review my pain med! woot see wat i get next any rcommendations? NONE OPIAT BASED?
ive actually done half a stone in 14days just cutting back on the usual foods atkins diet can be expensive cause all id wana eat if steak lol remember a holiday yrs ago i had a few quid n was eating fillet steak n eggs most days for breakfast fuck i never been as constapated as i was at the end of that week lol

What uve done half a stone of pies in 14days chunk?
an steak for breaky dont suprise me atall we you mate lol
Yeh mate i start usin once i stop with the rhiz in flower canna on the feedin chart say use fron beginin. ill back at graft mate so will have to explain later. you wanna rinse your coco with double strength to get rid of the roots check that guide i postin mate, thats pretty much how i roll just with a few tweaks here an there.
Yeh mate i start usin once i stop with the rhiz in flower canna on the feedin chart say use fron beginin. ill back at graft mate so will have to explain later. you wanna rinse your coco with double strength to get rid of the roots check that guide i postin mate, thats pretty much how i roll just with a few tweaks here an there.

ok man well i gtg bak to bed took a extra gabbie and im fucked so gtg bak to bed for a hr ffs JOINT fst ofc
Ukrg wot can u tell me about the new 59inch led tv made by samsung bru are they worth the bang ?

cash converters are doing 60 inch led 3d for 749.99 new in seal :) if ur gunna go led go 3d mate and only go for the good makes panasonic ect ect
led rocks like fuk awsome tv even better for gamin cod on that and think when they adapt ps3 games that are 3d?> i got 3d street fighter on my pc inbs fukin mental lol imagine it on a 60

its gunna cost ya a pretty penny but ur cropping so im sure u can spend it and send me sumo ur gud stuf :) lol

WHOS fone did i help root last night android u enjoying ur free apps.?

aqnyone do the jailbreak on iphone yet coz il need to ad your repos
waking up a little now so guess im on 24/7 today for all your technical needs

u know what im a fukin geek aint i? shit......................