The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
ive just munched the 2nd half of last nites indian, chicken korma, garlic nan, poppadoms and spiced onion, finished witha can of was great. well another day doing absolutely fuck all, got a new library card, paid rent arrears, spent money on books(for me) and on toys(for my son), flogged no dope at all, got no tic in, watched top gear, had two wanks earlier( considering a third but need to put the heating as it a bit cold to drop the jeans just now), went and saw my shrink and was informed that my sessions are now over and im on my own from here on in. gagging for a fucking drink.
Maybe your shrink has a problem with curry breath.

How can you have flogged no dope at all? You need to spend a little time doing market research. Demographics change. It's the quiet respectable mums you want to target these days.


Well-Known Member
lol, aye its not a place for those of a nervous disposition. scotland is considered an bit mental, glasgow is considered worse, the glaswegian think ayrshire is nuts and the people in ayrshire consider cumnock to be the roughest bit of ayrshire. and im considerd a bit of a lunatic in cumnock. so that kinda explains it all.


Well-Known Member
Wtf you s lot av spent the entire day talkin about dryin weed lmfao bill do as dst said and get a few boxes with sum string woven through the fuckers peice a piss lad those net are ok but u still tend to flatten the fuckers if over crowded and they are fussy rand these ways so i hang from string or coat hangers as long as the bud is movin with air movement it should nt take no more than 5 or 6 days quick dried fuck the cure if u aint smokin it yaself unless your chargin extra £50 on the oz lmfao at the end of the day no 1 likes to sit on weed so the faster the better imo just dont do yaself out a money haha not that you d eva do that lmfao


Police van was hanging outside my house for about 30 minutes, saw about 4-5 police scoping out the area and looking at my house. Two of em kept walking by and looking at my house and my neighbors house. I start to damn near have a heart attack so I quickly and chopped and flushed my babies (also my first grow.) 10 coppers are now at the van and they start marching towards my house with a big box and plastic looking bags. I'm shitting bricks, at the last minute they turn and raid the house next door to me.

Not totally sure what they got busted for, I know the police were also searching their cars and came out of their house with several bags/big envelopes of stuff.

I have never been so god damn scared in my life before... I feel a bit sad now, I watched those little plants grow from a tiny seed and killed them due to my own paranoia :(


I think I'll just call it a day for now, the 3 weeks I was growing them I was paranoid every time I heard a siren pass by (which was quite often since I live near a main road,) and it's not enjoyable living like that. Obviously sitting here now I realize that I only had 4 baby plants, the most I would get is a slap on the wrist and a fine... But when you see a bunch of policemen lurking outside your house, it's a bit like "fuck the weed I don't want policemen banging my door down at 1am"

I was growing to help with my insomnia and anxiety, but in retrospect growing brought me way too much added paranoia.

I enjoyed my grow while it lasted, I really wish they would decrim it. It was also good to find out I could successfully germinate and vegetate without any major issues.


Well-Known Member
You should def not be growing if you are this para. If you don't tell anyone, and you are living life legitimately then really why would the police know you are growing? Police get most of their info from people who phone up and grass on other people. Why the hell when there is something difficult to solve do you think they stick it on Crimewatch? And if the police are checking our houses for heat sources they have been flying over my house for years and never came to my door (he say's, now he'll get a chap on the door, lol). And generally if they bust you it's first thing in the morning....probably got to do with paying them night shift....I wouldn't imagine our police forces have enough money to be running around in the middle of the night busting down people for a few plants....Hopefully you can find weed to score off someone and not get busted when doing so (which is actually way more likely than getting busted for growing).


Yeah I completely agree with you, I was thinking about ending my grow due to the paranoia. But to be fair I've only got about 10 hours sleep in the last week, so I'm not always shitting myself when I see police.

Like I said, I can sit here now and rationally understand that they wouldn't waste their time busting someone with 4 baby plants at midnight unless I was telling everyone I knew. But last night as I saw that police van, my sleep deprived mind said "they're coming for you man, THEY KNOW"

I'm not bitching or complaining, just needed to tell someone really. Nobody knows about me growing, so obviously I can't talk to someone I know irl about what happened. But I can happily say that even though I killed my plants it was a fun experience watching them grow.

EDIT: Managed to restore a 2-ish week old picture of my Norther Lights plant.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I had the porkchopper go over the house slowly last night. The bird made me jump up and knock the light off. I normally wouldn't worry at my last place the thing went over 3times a night. But this is the first I've seen in the new place.

Switched lights to 12 in the day for now.

the lads are right tho jaskism, loose lips sink ships.