The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Gotta admit i feel a lot more chilled when i here the choppa now days with the empty cab. fuckin things over all the time, supose thats what ya get for livin on 1 of the biggest council estate in europe.


Well-Known Member
Haha i av to admit ive been cuttin down and had a chopper over head for a good 2 min fuckin thing thought it was clever and just had me thinkin shit lol so ive downed scissors and started to act like a plonker and pretended to paint the inside of the shed lmfao imaginary paint brush the lot haha it was nearly 3 in the mornin tho and it must av looked fuckin proper suspicous with me in a shed at that time lol the good old paint brush must av sorted it tho as they fucked off and left me paro the whole time i was down there lol


Well-Known Member
"biggest council estate in europe"........what the whole West of Scotland. lol Chedz ya fucking nutter....Can see the Headlines now. Black Grower found with green fingers from Imanginary Paint


Well-Known Member
When we were chopping at the unit we were all para. Some boys were refusing lines coz they were too edgy. Best to get pished when chopping = don't give a fuck mode. lol


Well-Known Member
prefer fat line............I feel like getting smashed today. Why do women fucking nag. They could find anything. Shit that doesny matter, just to fucking nag. If they didny have a fanny, I reckon I wouldny talk to them


Well-Known Member
Pissed or not wen u got a chopoer over head and the cunt is goin on like he wants to land the fucker ontop of yas your heart gets racey lmfao imagine if the cunt got on the microphone lmfao im sure id av had a turtles head by that time haha infact it would deffo of been touchin cloth and makin butterflies


Well-Known Member
Haha i thought the same until the cunt was ontop of me it was fuckin scary to say the least it woke most of the neighbourhood up lol every cunt sayin did u hear that heli over ya pad last night lmfao na wen lol!!


Well-Known Member
Fuck I remeber taking a chaser coz we were all carrying. I had a half bar of white and we got out the car and I hid in a hedge.....I was a bit pished and had to bite my hand to stop me from laughing. When I met up with one of my mates later he said he could see the copper shining his torch in the hedge I was hiding. lol


Well-Known Member
Tbh bill i dont av to touch the white but ive sum good lads down here so all i do is grab with the lads and its neva put on me lol fuck that bein banged up for green is pish but i would nt like to be sent down for that stuff dont get me wrong i earn a tidy prof but if i had to sit on the fucker id close that shit down for sure haha


Well-Known Member
picked up some real nice green last nite, dunno what strain but dried and cut perfectly, no leaves or stalks lovely smell, 160 an oz. nice wee bit of business. the guys a professional horticulturalist and does a wee grow on the side, should make a nice wee turn off it.