The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Hey Sambo

Yeah happy n less stressed lol, yeah defered is basicaly puttin it off till next year or so, all the assignmets i have passed stay passed and the ones still to sit i can do when i go back, saves failing them coz i cant be arsed to do them lol
lol thats cool then but aslong as you do actually go back whenever ya spose to no point fucking up whatever youve already acheived.

must be alot of stress tho m8 worrying bout coursework etc on top of worrying bout ya plants n keeping the gf happy along with all the other stress's of life!


Active Member
lol thats cool then but aslong as you do actually go back whenever ya spose to no point fucking up whatever youve already acheived.

must be alot of stress tho m8 worrying bout coursework etc on top of worrying bout ya plants n keeping the gf happy along with all the other stress's of life!
lol thats gonna be the hard part, goin back to actually finish the course, but the G/F will make me lol, and yeah 1 less thing to worry about, which is always nice.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
thats it dragon more time to enjoy life a bit, u got plenty to be happy about m8 so no point getting down over poxy work! was rereadin ya posts when u said bout losing ya perm job and they were a depressing read lol sounding better now m8 and thats all good!

ive always been scared of that shooting powder thats why i went for the pk 13/14 ive always used bio-bizz and always stuck to the chart with good results this time round said fuck the chart n just reading the plants, we are choppin 8 on sunday clones from the same mother as mine but grown with less light n less nutes will be good to see what the yield reckon at least 30 hopefully 36.

alrite smar3t hows u? happy i take it now you defered ya course dont no exactly what that means? dus it just mean your puttin it off for a while?
alright mate much happier now only a bit dogdy coz i'm self employed and subbing it was down to me to call it i lost more work and couldn't keep waiting for more to come in but yeah much happier now it's only been 1 day and everything feels right again but that could be the aches n pains lol working with a few new people 2day and of course being the young1 had to prove myself, their won't be any future Q's i worked like a dog and taught them how it's done i think i over done it though lol i can't get up, that's a nice chop to look forward to and looks to be good day mate, yeah i don't think i'll be using it agin i'm gonna pick up the pk next round aswell as the bio soil and the heaven hopefully gonna try that route, that pm came up as a file mate and connected to your sig

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
lol, always best to have more then u need then less than u do, and less stress is the best solution to anyday, helps it imensly.
Yup back on 9-5 for the remainder of this week, but new job is 8-5 which is gonna be a killer gettin up at 06:30, but more money so i aint complaining... much.

Glad ur enjoying ur new freedom mate.
yeah it's a nightmare in my house for points so should help alot, sounds good mate and 6:30 sucks but atleast it's not to bad through the summer and like you said those bigger wage packets help

mr west

Well-Known Member
loool :D

just had me flat inspection, walked into my room, i tell you some quiet piano music and all suspicious just flies outta the window, but she said "smells a bit of cannabis in here" to which i told her "yeah, i got some good shit :)"

then went out and had lunch with me mam and talked non-stop about philosophy, personality types, business, exostentialism and meditation for 3 hours :lol: it's been a very nice day so far :)

Good to hear mate >>>>>>>>>>>>:joint::bigjoint:


Active Member
yeah it's a nightmare in my house for points so should help alot, sounds good mate and 6:30 sucks but atleast it's not to bad through the summer and like you said those bigger wage packets help
more money you get the more u spend though lol, G/F will keep my finances in order though, she always does lol n they never put enough points in, do they not think about us growers when they plan the elecs of a house, i have a few in each room, but they all in stupid places n require extensions running all over lol


Well-Known Member
alright mate much happier now only a bit dogdy coz i'm self employed and subbing it was down to me to call it i lost more work and couldn't keep waiting for more to come in but yeah much happier now it's only been 1 day and everything feels right again but that could be the aches n pains lol working with a few new people 2day and of course being the young1 had to prove myself, their won't be any future Q's i worked like a dog and taught them how it's done i think i over done it though lol i can't get up, that's a nice chop to look forward to and looks to be good day mate, yeah i don't think i'll be using it agin i'm gonna pick up the pk next round aswell as the bio soil and the heaven hopefully gonna try that route, that pm came up as a file mate and connected to your sig
fucking pms i carnt work em out for shit m8??? it was a bullshit pissed up question neway dragon dont worry bout it.

the bio soil n heaven r the way to go n the pk13/14 is a tried n tested nute unlike the shooting powder, if you saw nute burn from it that aint good that means stress n that aint good, r you still using it? how are the girls doing? how long b4 chop? wana make sure im hungry enough to eat the laptop lmao but dont think ill need too tho lol


Well-Known Member
many people smoke cigs? ima heavy smoker marlboro just brought out a new cig ''bright leaf'' ina black box stronger than reds! fucking lung bleeders but i love em lol


Active Member
many people smoke cigs? ima heavy smoker marlboro just brought out a new cig ''bright leaf'' ina black box stronger than reds! fucking lung bleeders but i love em lol
Im a Richmond superking smoker, prob about 20 every 2-3 days, dont smoke at work so just when im at home, tryin to quit but its hard when people smoke in the house, gonna have to ban smokin in the house then i can stop propper.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
you and me both mate they don't make it easy on here lol and no i'm not using it any more they seem to be ok i had to tie the tops back the night before last they were leaning over and pulling the plants into each other so their still getting heavier but the nute burn leaves look bad they've gone all dry and claw like i think if had followed the instructions it would have caused problems i gave them just under half the reccomended amount but other than the couple of burnt leaves their looking good and i still think you'll be needing some sauce to wash the lappy down lol but i'm hoping looks are deceiving coz they look quiet small still just hoping it's my in experience and should be about 2weeks sat hopefully before the butchering starts lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Im a Richmond superking smoker, prob about 20 every 2-3 days, dont smoke at work so just when im at home, tryin to quit but its hard when people smoke in the house, gonna have to ban smokin in the house then i can stop propper.
i'm the opposit, i might have a couple of rollups at work a day maybe none, purly as a bad excuse for a quick break and for 5 minutes of ears-free conversation.


Well-Known Member
I had a 'happy piss' this morning.

It's the same as a normal piss, except when you return from the toilet your wife is dead.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
rollys for me mate about 15 a day i couldn't smoke those 1's your on if ever had to smoke cigs again would be the old lambert and butler but until that day comes it's amber leaf rolling tobacco for me

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
not just you mate it's been telling me the link is broken then coming on and going off again saying the link has been lost