A lady walks into a pet store and asks the owner if he has any parrots,
'Sure' says the owner, 'I've got parrots for £100, £200, and £15'
'£15?' asks the lady, ' Why is that?'
'Well that parrot used to live in a brothel, the only things it says is utter filth' replies the owner
So the lady not wanting to miss a comical opportunity buys the parrot and takes it home.
'Fuck me new brothel!' squawks the parrot and the lady laughs with joy
In walks the daughter
'Fuck me new prostitutes!'
Again the mother and daughter cant help but laugh at the parrots obscene tongue
Finally in walks the husband wanting to know what all the fuss is about
The parrot squawks...
'Fuck me Frank, I haven't seen you for weeks!'