The UK Growers Thread!

i,m back just finished the doritos and found a pack of jammie dodgers and chocolate digestives lol happy days on the weight though mate time to crack the jammes open i think i havent had them in years
i get the worst munchies m8 just carnt stop eating and it can be whatever just aslong as im eating dus my nut in.

had enough of smokin buckets n bong etc cause i carnt smoke this flat out its too small n too risky, think i might buy another carbon filter n have it on when im smoking a J.

i'm the same mate that's why i'm getting fat sometimes i eat until my jaw aches lol good idea mate and it never hurt's to have it around as an emergency spare aswell i love having a j and would do it if it was the only way mate
i'm the same mate that's why i'm getting fat sometimes i eat until my jaw aches lol good idea mate and it never hurt's to have it around as an emergency spare aswell i love having a j and would do it if it was the only way mate

the weight gain is another reason i never keep large amounts of percy if i smoked like that all the time id be well fat not that i aint getting there neway.

the munchies n weight gain is probably the only thing i really hate about grn.

second jar of cheese :) this is the one i'll cure. just got hit for six by some flufffy AK buds

looks lovely m8! very lovely! lol

the bud nxt to the jar is that the AK?
the weight gain is another reason i never keep large amounts of percy if i smoked like that all the time id be well fat not that i aint getting there neway.

the munchies n weight gain is probably the only thing i really hate about grn.

it's my biggest problem with it aswell i found when i was trying not eat when on the munchies it was easier just not to buy so much snack and junk food and pick up extra cereal it worked well for about 2 wks but i cracked then i found myself eating jelly still in cube form out of the little box just for the sake of it and decided to bring the junk back lol
it's my biggest problem with it aswell i found when i was trying not eat when on the munchies it was easier just not to buy so much snack and junk food and pick up extra cereal it worked well for about 2 wks but i cracked then i found myself eating jelly still in cube form out of the little box just for the sake of it and decided to bring the junk back lol

jelly still in cube form lmao thats a good 1 m8 i definatly no what you mean tho!

i agree best not to have them foods around n if ya got alot of spare time go to the gym after ya done a hard workout i just dont wana ruin that hard work by eating shit has worked a few times for me in the past but i tend to crack around the 3-4month mark lol

have been a member of esporta,cannons,fitness first,golds lol
bloody hate going out when im stoned! but that bacca taste like cherryade after i dried it out lol never mind off to the shops i spose.
A lady walks into a pet store and asks the owner if he has any parrots,

'Sure' says the owner, 'I've got parrots for £100, £200, and £15'

'£15?' asks the lady, ' Why is that?'

'Well that parrot used to live in a brothel, the only things it says is utter filth' replies the owner

So the lady not wanting to miss a comical opportunity buys the parrot and takes it home.

'Fuck me new brothel!' squawks the parrot and the lady laughs with joy

In walks the daughter

'Fuck me new prostitutes!'
Again the mother and daughter cant help but laugh at the parrots obscene tongue

Finally in walks the husband wanting to know what all the fuss is about

The parrot squawks...

'Fuck me Frank, I haven't seen you for weeks!'
Little Johnny's teacher says 'whoever can answer the following questions can take the rest of the day off school'.
'Who said "ask not what you country can do for you..?." Before Johnny can raise his hand Nancy shouts 'John F Kennedy'.
Teacher says 'very good Nancy, you can go home. Now who said "I have a dream...?" Before Johnny can open his mouth Mary shouts 'Marting Luther King'. Teacher says 'very good, you can go home too'.
Little Johnny is absolutely raging and when the teacher turns her back he says 'I wish those sluts would keep their fucking mouths shut'.
Teacher turns round 'who said that?'
Little Johnny says 'Tiger Woods, miss. See you tomorrow.'

i've tried the gym twice mate and gotta be fair it was 1 of the most borin things i have ever done it don't help i feel robbed after only using the machines for a couple of minutes and feel fucked it wouldn't be so bad if you could pay by the minute lol not to mention the embarresment you got all those people on the runners running their little hearts out all happy and quiet and then i went on running at 10mph for 3mins coughing and spluttering sweating all over the place beetroot red and looking like i'm about to have a heart attack while every body else is still warming up lol i tried it it nearly killed me and looked like a cunt probably won't be going back lol

i can't shake the thought of those strawberry pancakes mate i haven't got strawberrys but i got pancake mix yer might have to try sweet talking the misses when comes home from work
hi, people im in need of a bit of help im in the first week of flowering and iv just find that im infested with sidermites webs the lot ther killin my ladies ! has anybody heard of floramite and now any wher to buy it in the uk or anygood ideas ? feel like crying
hey again out door grow site no gud too many peeps walk there
as for the indoor grow tho for the extraction of smell would a condenser dryer pipe and box with sum thing smelly in the box get rid of the smell
or do ya know of another cheap way of doing it