The UK Growers Thread!


Easy guys!!! Just picked up some tiger bloom, still near the start of my flowering stage, how much tb should i be using in one litre of water, the plants are reasonably big now check em out on my pro. thanks

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Anythway, on a serious note, what breeding you up to mate? always interested to hear about some new creations. Please, prey tell.....and join us on the Breeding showcase thread, if ye can be arsed that is.
I want to stabilise the Exodus Cheese X Mr Nice - Dreamtime of Tip Tops from the beans he gave me, it's a small gene pool but if I can get a half good looking male from these last 5 beans (maybe 4 as I snapped the little tail of one potting them up) then I can start a proper search in the F2's.

I decided to call it "Mature Cheese" as it's the Cheese that has evolved a little. If my dirty bagseed turns out to be male then I'm gonna put that across my short stinky Cheese pheno stabilise that and call it "Chimera" because it's a monstrous fire-breathing female creature of immortal make composed of the parts of multiple animals, then I'll have 2 strains under my belt. ;)

I've been thinking about the showcase for a while, I will probably start posting within the next few weeks when I start to flower the 2 phenos I have on the go at the moment so everybody gets to see the selection process and the reasons behind my decisions.
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tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Plants, threads, i think it's just second nature to IM :p

Sipping on a pint of heineken, a nice frosty chilled way of ending what has been a rather fantastic week :) Smoked rather a lot of great weed but a when my friend left she popped a nice bud of bubblegum haze for me to find after work, that stuff knocked me on my arse :D another friend ame over later in the evening and i was jut a zombie lol


Well-Known Member
Lmfao can i get that 2 haha its startin ro smell like candy so i just wanna munch the fucker atm everytime i go in its hard to keep me sticky fingers off it lol


Well-Known Member
evnin, lol chedz tat bsb looking nice matey! same formation as the long,tall one ive got,wont know until the colour comes :(,
u ok TT been gettnig hi have we,im yet to smoke bubblegum never really come across it, mite have to throw one in for next grow maybe,

chillin watching sons of guns,man these americans are mad

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Very well cheers mate. Been getting VERY high :D A friend showed up in the city out of the blue, without anywhere to stay, so figured i'd be mr polite and was rewarded for my kindness with copious amounts of free weed, and she rolled everything as well, was like a lord of leisure lol. Dunno who the breeder was for that bubblegum haze, but i want more :D


Well-Known Member
evnin, lol chedz tat bsb looking nice matey! same formation as the long,tall one ive got,wont know until the colour comes :(,
u ok TT been gettnig hi have we,im yet to smoke bubblegum never really come across it, mite have to throw one in for next grow maybe,

chillin watching sons of guns,man these americans are mad
Colour came around the 1st week of flower lmfao nice plant to grow is an understatement and ive still to pop another 10 of the fuckers haha


Well-Known Member
Colour came around the 1st week of flower lmfao nice plant to grow is an understatement and ive still to pop another 10 of the fuckers haha
was talking the bud colour,mines stil forming the actual buds so nothing but white hairs atm,but ther filling out rather nicel,tbhnever seen a plant with no branches so its a st for me,bud missus says ter startng to smell,in the mornings,il take her word for it,.me i thinkits me smoking at night wen they gone to bed,pff,eitherway cushty hoping for a nice amount of these 2 under the 600

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

Watching 21 jump street, not normally a fan of the short fat kid as a comedy actor but rather enjoying the film so far :D


Well-Known Member
was talking the bud colour,mines stil forming the actual buds so nothing but white hairs atm,but ther filling out rather nicel,tbhnever seen a plant with no branches so its a st for me,bud missus says ter startng to smell,in the mornings,il take her word for it,.me i thinkits me smoking at night wen they gone to bed,pff,eitherway cushty hoping for a nice amount of these 2 under the 600
Yeah i ment the colour came at around a week into flower u nutter lmfao


Well-Known Member

Watching 21 jump street, not normally a fan of the short fat kid as a comedy actor but rather enjoying the film so far :D
lol yeh wer ther on the acid biscuits lol or wen they get the car and pretend to do the roll of the bonnet and the fat lad gets it loll

mines 3 weeks in 12-12 so hopefully should start seeing sum of them lovely colours(if its the same) so heres hopin coz that shit looks tastety