The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Wake up you bunch of useless fuckers! I told myself i wouldn't buy any of those 75l bottle of Leffe, i lied :D

bring me back some Jerky or biltong please sambo :D That or find me some crocodile, always wanted to try some croc :D


Well-Known Member
Haha ttt i get my holiday pay plus double time for today pay should get £550+for today alone so i can moan really just wish this grow would hurry up then again i dont know if id like to work instead of choppin em down but its sure to be a nice payday 5days after i down scissors lol i might just book another holiday for the winter this time round tho :-)


Well-Known Member
Yeah gettin ya tax back is a bonus if self employed but your no better off than bein on the books if u calculate holiday pay sickness ppe tools travel expences


Active Member
Weekebnds no over yet, whoooo bank hollida whoooo bank holliday. Just wish i got paid for it though like everyone else :(
I think it's ridiculous, nay downright evil, that nurseries also shut on bank holidays. How are parents supposed to have a holiday with kids around?


Active Member
Somebody say something, I'm having a twilight zone moment here, NOBODY is answering texts or phonecalls or emails and nobody is posting on this thread either and I just want to check that there hasn't been a nuclear holocaust that somehow skipped me...


Well-Known Member
shit man,,anyone got anokia c3?
just being a apin getting apps like facebook install,got msn donebut thats it ppff wanker bee fro sale wen it get facebook on ther


i need tos art getting up ealy 17pm and w just rising lol

them 2 LOOKING nice and cecer everyday TT sepkt wer speks due!