even after reading about the ingredients, and the plant food 'legal' highs, the usual shit we take anyway , the glass and shit sprayed on to our green and around 25 years of doing shit like that , all the way back to glue snifffing in the 80's it really and truly still amazes me waht people will ACTUALLY put into there bodies, i mean we all KNOWthis shit is gaunna fuck us up, long and short term but we STILL do it...i fuckin love the perseverance of the human race , we are truly fuckin mental. thw whole world is off its tits and when we get bored with sumthin theres sum psycho cums along as gives us a new idea that we embrace like a kid with a new teddy and run like retards for a shot. i never realised that my suicide was gonna be so long. is there actually anyone out there sane?? im gettin the feelin that this is one gigantic real time 'civilization' type game and at different times different players are in control and some seem to have an even weirder sense of humour than mine