The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
To be honest fucking hate buying weed no matter how cheap. I just got limited space and my grows don't give me enough to keep me going. Lol


Well-Known Member
fucking av it you dirty manc wankers!!! i dont even half support everton but always good to see man u get beaten!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
we used to score up pistmore in the upside down flats and yeh was always grade for peanuts and not just with weed! for sum reason most shits decent qwailty and cheap proces! guess its one of them places
what on rock street? what you doin up there ya naughty fuck? were there rastas sat on plastic chairs? lol


Well-Known Member
what on rock street? what you doin up there ya naughty fuck? were there rastas sat on plastic chairs? lol
yeh we used to pik oz's up of a coupe of brothers scott alen i think one of em was called nice grade cheap price BUT im talking 10+yrs ago but the point remains its always been a hub for cheap good shit,.
the flats was nuts u walk in and downstairs to the lounge,,fucking weird


Active Member
Just chopped down white widow and amnesa. Didn't get yield I'd of liked of white widow. Amnesa always good yield. Got acapoco to go now think going leave in 10 or 12 weeks. Its a right hairy fucker. I'm trying to decide what strain go for next. Anddont even mention clones I want new strain. I always try new strains in my small tents. Any idea of good ones


Well-Known Member
Another laptop bites the dust! Had all sorts of probs last night with a nutty neibour, missus was fighting with her I've had to split it up n whatnot didn't get to bed to near 2am and left me laptop on the floor, me lil 2yr old must have stood on it this morning HUGE crack through the screen.