The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Nutty neighbours, everyone needs nutty neighbours, with little or no understanding, thats when bad neighbours become fair game.........sung in the old neighbours theme tune. Remember Harlod Bishop. Madge would still get the

UKRG will prob get u a cheap screen


Well-Known Member
No was only 6month old mrt and me 3rd or 4th in 18mnths lol
ive never had any luck with laptops mate. i dont think it was anything i done to them, they just fucked up on thier own in a few weeks. i got a tower pc and havent had a problem since


Well-Known Member
morning bumboys, well im off tae the dole office to sign on, first time in overa year, bastrds kicked me off of ESA so now im in that fuckin limbo land waitin on my JSA, absolute pain in the cunt, fuck knows when i'll get a giro (should've been in today) so i can see the old crisis loan shuffle coming up.


Well-Known Member
fuckin pain in arse, the cunts will sanction you for absolutely anything these days, btw why were you asking about my driving mate? you got an idea?


Well-Known Member
thank you for waiting, please continue to hold and we will answer your call as soon as possible or you may prefer to call back later our opening times are between 8am and 6pm . alternatively you may like to call back later we are normally less busy between 8am and 9am or you may like to access our web site at www. were a bunch of wankers and this answering service is specifically designed tae piss you off and make you smash your phone to bits. org...and while your waiting please feel free to scream and shout and here vivaldis the four seasons to listen to ...again and again and again