The UK Growers Thread!

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Cheers lads for some reason it was on there twice in the control panel, I've deleted it twice now and that seems to have done it, the other file was the same but had a different icon? maybe I dloaded it twice or something eitherway cheers lads the countdown was on then the lappy was within an inch of getting smashed up lol gonna try and dload something else and see if it's sorted.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
free tickets?! now that would be nice hahah nah man, still got to pay but you have to have fucking points built up from going to previous games. i ask you what use is that if your just starting out with a season ticket or even like me if you've had one a few years. 4 tickets in a box, high roller or something is he? they want £146 per ticket for a suite or some shite.
i even think he owns the box not rented like. he is a top guy runs massive company off some sorts. think through his company he got box/seats but dunno really.all i no for sure is hes loaded and offered me free fancy tickets through my mrs. hes also a stoner but in secret so mrs says as she caught him bottom her parents fields toking a fatty. ive never met him but im the mrs rough bit haha i avoid rich peeps normally as i find them shallow or self obsessed.
wen is the new c vs lfc at anfield? may ask mrs to enquire if they avaiable for then, wont b able ask tho till next week as mrs mum and dad at there holiday home in france till then.
so no promises if its soon? ent bothered checking fixtures this year seems pointless
awright lads

just got some superthrive, got three sick seedlings, each in its own wick system. do I give them it once a week, or just change the ph water in the wicks res with the superthrived water(this is what iv done)?

should I change the res water back to PH'd water after they have had a day to drink the superthrive??

cheers 4 any help

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
think u can use super thrive as a folar feed also. if it same stuff i had u can. not sure if was super thrive or revive but it was the advanced nutes range one, high in cal,mag and iron anyways...


Well-Known Member
Cornflakes is also high in iron MDB! lol. How goes you, not seen you in a bit?

They started putting iron in breakfast cereals as it helped preserve them, then they discovered that iron can be beneficial for people so used it is a marketing ploy....sneaky cereal makers! If you want you can actually extract the iron from your cornflakes.


Well-Known Member
Yo IC3 I added that shield programme and now my utorrent isn't working properly mate, everything is on stop at the mo I managed to open the programme and finish the download but need it gone really, haven't got the patience to be opening and closing different programmes to re-start my downloads.
How do I get rid of it mate it seems to be in a few different places and when I click on them they're showing up as shortcuts and I can't find the main programme to wipe it just shortcut links that seem to be everywhere, any ideas mate? I'm about 5mins away from stamping my laptop into splinters.

you only need to use it when DST uploads puts u on a proxy so slows ur internet down,,,just rite clik the little shield and diable

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
hold down the windows key and hit R , type control, hit enter.. this launches the control panel,, use add/remove programs
Get with the times :p With windows vista onwards you simply press the start button and type, can't remember the last time i had to use the run function :D

I'm once again on the old "i'm not gonna drink" wagon, fucks up my life way too much and turns me into a useless person. Up at midday, hungover for a few hours, few hours of cooking or whatnot, then come 6pm it's just beer till bed time and once i start drinking beer i will not do ANYTHING, jut watch top gear and bad tv and whatnot, won't even bother playing a computer game etc. Need to get in control of my life! gonna be mighty boring!


Well-Known Member
Iron for yer plants. Fucking hell some people make it difficult. Coco, water, a + b, wee bit of love. BINGO Anyway hows the uk growers. Bit like yer cocks eh, growers not
Get with the times :p With windows vista onwards you simply press the start button and type, can't remember the last time i had to use the run function :D
lazy fucker here is too cunted to pick up the mouse, use keys for everton, when you type in the start menu, it IS the run command. Vista, WINDOZE, psml
I'm once again on the old "i'm not gonna drink" wagon, fucks up my life way too much and turns me into a useless person. Up at midday, hungover for a few hours, few hours of cooking or whatnot, then come 6pm it's just beer till bed time and once i start drinking beer i will not do ANYTHING, jut watch top gear and bad tv and whatnot, won't even bother playing a computer game etc. Need to get in control of my life! gonna be mighty boring!
i know a good social worker