The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Haha, no ya tossa ill get some tomorrow ill need some snout by then anyway. Bout 3 weeks or so in answer to your question but ill bell ya for a chat tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Cool cool jimbo. The other thing, need that asap....but I'll leave that in your capable hands. Remember speak slow and clearly ya southern fried fairy


Well-Known Member
Ill get onto that other thing tonight and have an answer for ya tomorrow billy. You speak rather well for a scotsman i will admit, i was suprised at well i understood what the hell you were saying, thought it was gonna be right aggro haha, ill try and speak slower for ya mate lol.


Well-Known Member
Just waiting on my bro. Car is sitting in a Beefeater carpark. I wouldn't drive it. Too much lookie

just out of interest can ya take a picture of it n chuck it up here? as depending on what goodies it has bolted onto it i may know just the person to take it off ya ;-)


Well-Known Member
havei said your lieing? im saying theey was trackeed and coz of YOUROWN actions kicking off wen you went for them,, i guess u dident get them,, u told me that youself
plus i offered u refund and you wouldnt so plz if your gunna make me out to be unrelieble which im most certainly not dont go on about them,, u was also menna send me sum bud too remember? that never arrived,, the whole thing is i can proove i sent my shit?? u cant

anyways fukit lesson learned i dont care it old news and i stil love yer cute scotish accent!!lol

peace brother.

fuck me the suicidel sundays do come fastm,,, baby due date today,, stil nothing, maybe why im a little stressed :) gotta ring up at 8am for a pessery to induce her, our main conern is the child we got without mom here shes gunna go NUTZ ?:?

​if you know what your doing inside a women then give her a membrane sweep, bring on the labour ;-)