The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
well i will do my very best thats 4sure but it is a biggy you ask of me lol. im very good chu hhmmm hhhmmm sir and things are on the up.its hard work getting this room ready and not 100% sure what to run with. i do hope your well and happy and not getting of your face all the time. hows that did i do well ? i need a smoke now lol
if your not sure what to run with look into Pyramid Seeds Tuthankhamon ;-)


Well-Known Member
Afternoon cum guzzletrs, how the fuck are we all?

Just been down C.A.B to get all this shit with the house sorted, looks promising so far and may mean I might even be able to get set back up soon instead of being evicted lmao


Well-Known Member
Afternoon cum guzzletrs, how the fuck are we all?

Just been down C.A.B to get all this shit with the house sorted, looks promising so far and may mean I might even be able to get set back up soon instead of being evicted lmao
just back from my lawyers too about my eviction, the council have partly backed down, instead of going to court, where i'd probably have won they've offered me a 'sst'....its a six month secured tenancy agreement, kinda puts me on probation for the 6 months and they may come round to check im not up to anything. so all i do is keep my head down and its all cool. its not a perfect outcome but there was always a slight chance the judge would've ruled in their favour. just gotta watch my step and it'll all blow over.


Well-Known Member
just back from my lawyers too about my eviction, the council have partly backed down, instead of going to court, where i'd probably have won they've offered me a 'sst'....its a six month secured tenancy agreement, kinda puts me on probation for the 6 months and they may come round to check im not up to anything. so all i do is keep my head down and its all cool. its not a perfect outcome but there was always a slight chance the judge would've ruled in their favour. just gotta watch my step and it'll all blow over.
Well we went to CAB in the hope they could help us get into a council/housing assc place so we would be paying £3-400 a month in rent instead of 750, the difference would have sorted all our debts and enabled us to pay emn all off with the difference in rent money..........what actually happened however is that they are now going to sue the landlord/estate agent for disrepair, get us a £3-5K claim out of it (which will pay of ALL our debts ;-) ) and THEN help us into social housing so seems to be a win-win all round lol.
Also due to the council recalculating our benfits continously we knew we werent going to be able to meet this months rent coz of them keep fucking up our money up and were expecting an eviction notice in a few days when the rent wont get paid.....well CAB have found a way to keep us in our place until the contract ends in June next year, get the landlord to stop coming round to do inspections etc( so hopefully this means i can get set back up) and have also asked us to stop paying the rent and jus set it aside until they have finished dragging the estate agent thru court lol
(their basic premise being that the estate agent has not held up their end of the contract by keeping the place in good repair so we should not uphold our end of the contract by paying the rent lol) CAB have also taken all legal responsibility for doing alll this so even if it goes to court it will be CAB having to attend and fight for us and not us ourselves, WIN)


Well-Known Member
Well we went to CAB in the hope they could help us get into a council/housing assc place so we would be paying £3-400 a month in rent instead of 750, the difference would have sorted all our debts and enabled us to pay emn all off with the difference in rent money..........what actually happened however is that they are now going to sue the landlord/estate agent for disrepair, get us a £3-5K claim out of it (which will pay of ALL our debts ;-) ) and THEN help us into social housing so seems to be a win-win all round lol.
Also due to the council recalculating our benfits continously we knew we werent going to be able to meet this months rent coz of them keep fucking up our money up and were expecting an eviction notice in a few days when the rent wont get paid.....well CAB have found a way to keep us in our place until the contract ends in June next year, get the landlord to stop coming round to do inspections etc( so hopefully this means i can get set back up) and have also asked us to stop paying the rent and jus set it aside until they have finished dragging the estate agent thru court lol
(their basic premise being that the estate agent has not held up their end of the contract by keeping the place in good repair so we should not uphold our end of the contract by paying the rent lol) CAB have also taken all legal responsibility for doing alll this so even if it goes to court it will be CAB having to attend and fight for us and not us ourselves, WIN)
that sound fucking sweet mate. nice when shit actually works the way it should.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Need to be half cut, toon play the home of non football tonight. Stoke. I fuckin hate stoke. It's not football its an exercise in not scoring for both sides.


Well-Known Member
dunno if i fancy the idea of the white russians whats in it exactly don? is a black russian vodka,tia maria n coke? if so i like them.

been strugglin with me vods recently, this exo just dont mix nice when ya pissed and think its a good idea to have a joint, keep spewing arrrrgh


Well-Known Member
dunno if i fancy the idea of the white russians whats in it exactly don? is a black russian vodka,tia maria n coke? if so i like them.

been strugglin with me vods recently, this exo just dont mix nice when ya pissed and think its a good idea to have a joint, keep spewing arrrrgh
That's because you can't handle it no more gay boy lol


Well-Known Member
A bloke goes into an antique shop and asks how much the brass cat in the window is. The owner says, "£50 for the cat and £50 for its story."

The bloke says he'll just have the cat and sets off home.

As he leaves the shop, a cat starts following him, then ten cats, then a hundred cats, then a thousand cats, so he hoys the brass cat in the river and all the other cats dive in after it.

The bloke goes back to the shop and the owner says, "Back for the story, eh?"

The bloke replies, "No. Got any brass Pakis?"


Well-Known Member
some good news at last sae, happy for ya m8 hope all gos to plan.
Cheers mate me too.

If anyone has a decent size cheap tent they are looking at getting rid of gimme a shout( some where between 4x4"- 6x4" im looking for)

Also I need to give DST a shout about them cooltubes when I get paid methinks lol, kept him waiting far too long

Also is there anyone near me that can sort me some clones if i am able to get up and running to save losing time starting seeds? If not I have some seeds still you lot sent me but would prefer to do 1st grow from clones so not wasting time lol
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