Well we went to CAB in the hope they could help us get into a council/housing assc place so we would be paying £3-400 a month in rent instead of 750, the difference would have sorted all our debts and enabled us to pay emn all off with the difference in rent money..........what actually happened however is that they are now going to sue the landlord/estate agent for disrepair, get us a £3-5K claim out of it (which will pay of ALL our debts

) and THEN help us into social housing so seems to be a win-win all round lol.
Also due to the council recalculating our benfits continously we knew we werent going to be able to meet this months rent coz of them keep fucking up our money up and were expecting an eviction notice in a few days when the rent wont get paid.....well CAB have found a way to keep us in our place until the contract ends in June next year, get the landlord to stop coming round to do inspections etc( so hopefully this means i can get set back up) and have also asked us to stop paying the rent and jus set it aside until they have finished dragging the estate agent thru court lol
(their basic premise being that the estate agent has not held up their end of the contract by keeping the place in good repair so we should not uphold our end of the contract by paying the rent lol) CAB have also taken all legal responsibility for doing alll this so even if it goes to court it will be CAB having to attend and fight for us and not us ourselves, WIN)