The UK Growers Thread!

Have you tried led's? I am looking to get away from hps for cost and stealth reasons my friend, gonna try auto pots with some form of soilless mix as i was led to believe the problem is with the heat in the water as the led's don't give off much heat so you have to heat the room up to85 degs


Well-Known Member
i called the RSPCA today and said. "I've just found a suitcase in the woods containing a fox and four cubs."

"Thats terrible," she replied. "Are they moving?"

"im not sure to be honest," i said, "But that would explane the suitcase."


Well-Known Member
Speaking of fucknuggets and whatcha no mdb is back lol how's ya doing u old fanny? Still off the smoke m8?

Spose I better post aint no fun lurking when there's fuck all to read.

@yman been following the updates lovely grow that m8 ur smashing it, bout time aint seen nowt of u in ages but looks like its been worth the weight.

@pukka the pyscho looked niiiice oldboy on chop day!