The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
dunno mate, all the said was they were acting on intelligence recieved.....door got crashed while i was sleeping, jumped up to see what was happening and there was about 8 of the fuckers. came in and basically asked a few questions, filmed the search, took it all away and then took me to the nick for an interview, got out on an 'undertaking' to stay out of bother and go to court on the 7th thats me out the game for a bit, im most likely gonny get evicted over this . cant see me getting jailed for 7 plants though, probably a fine, probation and comm, fuckin bummer!! down 2 grand just before chrimbo!!


Well-Known Member
my own damn fault, they shouldve been chopped last week .
woold have been worse! hanging and getting taken! noooo,,, fuckers,
na u wont get jail, com serviuce at the most, pends if u done it before i suppose,seems a few busts recently, fuk that im not doing any jouirnals or pictures, best be safe than sorry, maybe your pal upsatirs fucked u? u neevr know, to get the heat of him.

they filmed it? keep a eye on your local newspaper website then, they love postin that shit, xmas busts suk soz man,

pukka PM


Well-Known Member
On a lighter note new line up

Tres star dawg= Star Dawg(F) X Tres Dawg(M).......Star Dawg = Chem 4(F) X Tres Dawg(M)
..........Tres Dawg = Chem D(F) X Double Dawg(M)

Chemband= (res priv) headand mom X (rezdawg) chemdawg x sour diesel dad

Magic monkey= Magic merlin x gorilla grape

Smelly cherry x Chemband= (Black Rose x Cherry Assassin x Livers) x chemband

QQ x Livers/blues= (QQ is qrazy train x cheesequake X Livers) x livers

Smelly cherry(purple pheno)= Black Rose x Cherry Assassin x Livers

Cheese berry haze= blueberry cheese x lady cane (Super Silver Haze G13)

Dog bx1= Dog Kush X OG Kush male (K2) (from the same lineage as the DOG’s OG Kush parent)


Well-Known Member
Wounded for you mate,.

Won't you getting done before when you crashed the car fuck you up when you go to court?

yeah it wont help but the reality is ahve only got that one drugs offence 18months ago and its the exact same rap, 7 plants but just personal, last time i had a drunk driving and valium possesion charge on top. i got 150 hrs comm service and a years probation last time and i got really good reports so with any luck it'll be about the same, probably a higher number of hours. jails unlikely, its been 10 or 11 years since i last did time, ive been flying under the radar for a decade. the biggest pain in the arse is losing 2 fucking grand 2 weeks before xmas.


Well-Known Member
Not smoked that much ak47 really m8 but its history speaks for its self, so many good yielding hardy strains out there tho.

When u getting ya grow back on then?
Probably will have to be when we`ve moved mate, sueing the landlord for disrepair n stuff thru C.A.B so they now have a hard on for us an keep sending out workmen to do "estimates" lol, good thing is tho the silly nigerian cunts have admitted in a letter to us that the house is dangerous and they have known about it for some time but not fixed it due to "not being able to afford to" so out of all of this we should hopefully get a council place and then its all systems go lol


Well-Known Member
Yet another members door tapped thru? ffs
yeh i know,, parra much? chedz dissapeared too! fuk sake, like i said i aint posting shitno more, not wirth it even if it is the off chance, wer being watched

iv replied to your email saerimmner.,

pukka read yer inboxes ya spoon.


Well-Known Member
I think it's just the time of year. There always seems to be a lot of busts around crimbo time
yeah a lot of it is that their IR camera on the chopper is more effective in cold weather but is beginning to take the piss just how many members of THIS THREAD are getting the old love tap at the door