Well-Known Member
Whats this exchange u was offering yesterday ic3?
Oi u muscling in on me deal ya fucker! Ice will sell his soul to the highest bidder lol
Am still on them coins m8 will speak later when I get to me laptop.
Whats this exchange u was offering yesterday ic3?
£200 an oz is good esp when cunts sell it for 10 a g mates rates should be £150 but thats mate mates ken lol
Oi u muscling in on me deal ya fucker! Ice will sell his soul to the highest bidder lol
Am still on them coins m8 will speak later when I get to me laptop.
We all aint had good moan about prices for ages now lol tenner a gram for good stuff as fucked as it is that's a good deal in a lot of places, cause nowday especially if its ne good all you will get is 1.6 for 20squid in many areas.
Just checked on my clones, 7 days and no roots yet, goina be a long hall like last time. They look healthy, little bit of yellowing on some of them. Wish they'd hurry up to fuck
7days chill out mg lol 14day start to get the ump, I just done 30 and had me new prop in a pretty cold spot, its a thermerstate prop fingy spose to stay at the right temp, but I think it was struggling to get to the heat cause the 30 took 14-17days to root n threw 2 stragglers away.
We all aint had good moan about prices for ages now lol tenner a gram for good stuff as fucked as it is that's a good deal in a lot of places, cause nowday especially if its ne good all you will get is 1.6 for 20squid in many areas.
I ain't into none of the tablets m8, never really got into them. I mine back in the day gettin a bag of 100 pills, when we got near the bottom it was all dust, first time snorting pills that was some drive lol
lol me neither pal,, dont bother with pills or fuk all,,
Lol I was away to say, I've got easy access to a power of subbies 2mg ones. Pregabs are the shizz tho lol
The reason I stopped most of the shit I did was lack off quality, everything just turned to shit. Still like a few good ones now and again if I can get them
me too mate the 2's. 8mls and the 0.4 ml ones, got myself raised right upto 24 ml for a guy on here but i guess im not getting paid for them
your talking chickas then?? e's???? fuk thatbe better buying mdma nowadays the pills are shit
Yeah m8 fuck knows what's in them now but 10-15 years ago is when I would've took them, they wer a lot better then