The UK Growers Thread!

it also helps with the euro/£ still being reasonable as can get around 1.2 to the £ after costs.
clenbuterol n t3 both tablets yman dont use needles?

@ D surprises me that i thought they would have been as cheap if not cheaper.
Well the pill form of both drugs is the most widely available granted but they can both be found in liquid form as well.

I personally would choose to use the liquid over the tab due to the possible liver damage associated with pills but I understand not everybody can bring themselves to use needles.

ive been bad on all sorts of tablets for years n years, taking crazy amounts, explain more about the liver damage please yman? ive heard it many times but dont understand the ins n outs of why?
i'll have a deeks at the write ups. never heard of T3's

But how do I use this combination of fat burners?

Increase the clenbuterol dosage until you get some side effects- a little shakiness or nervousness. Generally if you keep at that dosage in just a day or two your body will adapt. Everyone is different though, you might have to back off a little on the clenbuterol once you start feeling nervous or anxious or shaky. I personally find 200mcg's per day of clenbuterol tolerable. You can start at 40mcg's of clen in the morning and then hit it again with 40mcg's at 4:00 or so in the afternoon. If you find that is too much, start at 20mcg in the morning and 20mcg in the afternoon. The next day, add another 20mcg to each dose- morning and afternoon. Keep doing that until you notice the side effects and they are uncomfortable.

T3 should ramp up like clen, but then taper off. With clen you can just stop. You can go from your highest dose of clen to nothing and generally you will be fine. If you personally find that you get a headache or feel sluggish you can taper the clen. No one schedule will work for everyone and this is just a guide. If you already know that your central nervous system is sensitive- if a cup of coffee or a regular dose of cold medicine with ephedrine has you jumping out of your skin, then use your head and lower these dosages.

Day 1 - 2: 40mcg clen + 50mcg T3
Day 3 - 4: 80mcg clen + 100mcg T3
Day 5 - 7: 120mcg clen + 100mcg T3
Day 7 -10: 120mcg clen + 100mcg T3
Day 10-14: 120mcg clen + 100mcg T3
Day 14-17: 120mcg clen + 100mcg T3
Day 17-21: 100mcg clen + 50mcg T3

For some people that schedule will be too agressive and maybe for others it will not be enough. But be very careful before you add clen or T3 faster or use higher dosages. If this formula does not work you might need to look at your intake of carbohydrates, and also make sure you are eating plenty of lean protein.

What T3 is doing is basically uncoupling mitochondria from energy requirements, which means you'll continue to burn calories at a higher rate even when your body doesn't require it. Your body will burn energy from any source it can (fat, muscle, food, etc.). Keep your protein intake high to keep existing muscle.

A nice side effect of T3 is up-regulating beta receptors, which is what clen targets for it's activity. Finally, clen is slightly anabolic, so it will help spare some muscle loss from T3.
was just doing the reading. fuck ephedrine, long term thyroid issues sounds pretty bad shit.

You'd have to do loads over a prolonged period to see that I reckon.
One 5ml tab, 2 to 4 times a day for a month or two is all that's needed and you'd drop some serious weight if you train cardio at the same time.
But how do I use this combination of fat burners?

Increase the clenbuterol dosage until you get some side effects- a little shakiness or nervousness. Generally if you keep at that dosage in just a day or two your body will adapt. Everyone is different though, you might have to back off a little on the clenbuterol once you start feeling nervous or anxious or shaky. I personally find 200mcg's per day of clenbuterol tolerable. You can start at 40mcg's of clen in the morning and then hit it again with 40mcg's at 4:00 or so in the afternoon. If you find that is too much, start at 20mcg in the morning and 20mcg in the afternoon. The next day, add another 20mcg to each dose- morning and afternoon. Keep doing that until you notice the side effects and they are uncomfortable.

T3 should ramp up like clen, but then taper off. With clen you can just stop. You can go from your highest dose of clen to nothing and generally you will be fine. If you personally find that you get a headache or feel sluggish you can taper the clen. No one schedule will work for everyone and this is just a guide. If you already know that your central nervous system is sensitive- if a cup of coffee or a regular dose of cold medicine with ephedrine has you jumping out of your skin, then use your head and lower these dosages.

Day 1 - 2: 40mcg clen + 50mcg T3
Day 3 - 4: 80mcg clen + 100mcg T3
Day 5 - 7: 120mcg clen + 100mcg T3
Day 7 -10: 120mcg clen + 100mcg T3
Day 10-14: 120mcg clen + 100mcg T3
Day 14-17: 120mcg clen + 100mcg T3
Day 17-21: 100mcg clen + 50mcg T3

For some people that schedule will be too agressive and maybe for others it will not be enough. But be very careful before you add clen or T3 faster or use higher dosages. If this formula does not work you might need to look at your intake of carbohydrates, and also make sure you are eating plenty of lean protein.

What T3 is doing is basically uncoupling mitochondria from energy requirements, which means you'll continue to burn calories at a higher rate even when your body doesn't require it. Your body will burn energy from any source it can (fat, muscle, food, etc.). Keep your protein intake high to keep existing muscle.

A nice side effect of T3 is up-regulating beta receptors, which is what clen targets for it's activity. Finally, clen is slightly anabolic, so it will help spare some muscle loss from T3.

fuk that for a game of soldiers....^^^:)
crikey, thanks for the info. uncomfortable side affects is putting me off a bit lol. last thing i need is to feel anxious lol. i could just buy a bag of phet and do it oldskool lol.
yeah gotta admit the side effects put me off lol

would end up needing a shitload of benzos to counter-act, ive lost serious weight a few times over the years 5stn+ a couple of times then put it back on mind, but was just gym n lots of and just eating less than 2500cals n 90g of fat no matter what ya ate just under them, would do a 1hr on level14 on crosstrainer 4-5times a wk burns bout a 1000cals each go that, or row 10000meters dunno what that burns but would be sweating from me eyelids lmao
Alright lads, qfuck me talking about all these drugs, i feel left out cuz all i do i smoke weed, an i can't even do that right now FML
ive been bad on all sorts of tablets for years n years, taking crazy amounts, explain more about the liver damage please yman? ive heard it many times but dont understand the ins n outs of why?

Well not ALL tabs are liver toxic (usually just 17-aa ones but I don't trust many to be honest, there's more shit in commercial tabs than the active drug itself).

Tabs have to be processed by the liver but intramuscular liquids don't, they soak into the muscle directly.

Tabs have to pass through the liver twice, once to break down the coating and once to break down the drug into the blood stream.
Some tabs (without getting all techy) inhibit the livers production of fluids and bile salts while passing through and this is what causes the damage.
so i could theoretically just get a load of clenbuterol and run it 2 weeks on 2 off, leave off the drink and generally not put my liver under too much stress. i only go 3 times a week, i'm not living in the gym just yet lol. going to have a deeks on SR. though that leads to allsorts of problems hahahah
Ephedrine if you can get hold of it as it's been banned in England for years, it can be bought from internet steroid sources though.

If you want to drop fat like the pro's then a 6 week course of Clen/T3 is the way to go (but involves needles). And if you want to drop fat AND put on muscle like the superstars then around 10IU's of HGH a day is the ultimate but very pricey.

T5's are over the counter herbal crap.

they do sell shit t5's on ebay that have green tea extracts and shit in but the ones i got have ephedrine, caffine and asprin in. i could tell the difference between the ones off ebay and the ones i got off my local drug dealer lol
was just doing the reading. fuck ephedrine, long term thyroid issues sounds pretty bad shit. and fuck putting a needle into my arm to get thin. i'll juts stick to the hard way i reckon.

green tea and higher your protien intake then mate. thats the way im doing it now but i havent started training again yet. that green tea has loads of health benefits and has antioxidents "that they say" helps prevent cancer
they do sell shit t5's on ebay that have green tea extracts and shit in but the ones i got have ephedrine, caffine and asprin in. i could tell the difference between the ones off ebay and the ones i got off my local drug dealer lol

Oh aye, no doubt.
The T5's on ebay won't have Ephedrine in them any more, the ones that your local dealer sells will (making those the illegal, no longer available over the counter ones).

T5 fat burners are a mixture of stimulants, mostly herbal (So you may as well just source Ephie tabs).

T3 is a thyroid drug and a different kettle of fish all together.
green tea and higher your protien intake then mate. thats the way im doing it now but i havent started training again yet. that green tea has loads of health benefits and has antioxidents "that they say" helps prevent cancer

i have 5 low carb days, ie: no more than 20 grams per meal 2 days i eat carbs but try n stick to healthy ones, sweet tatties etc. i could go mad and eat kfc 3 meals a day on those 3 days though it's just to stop ketosis and the sluggishness of not having much energy in your diet.

i eat bacon and or eggs on toast for breaky and salad for dinner. usually meat n veg for eve meal, but i can def deal with upping my protein intake lol. more red meat you say muahgahahahah
Nobody try the soup diet, if you are realy a fatty they get the soup diet goin, get yer ma to make a massive pot of soup and have that every day.