The UK Growers Thread!

No he was younger than me, about 21 I think he said. I think it's just probably just one of those things that effects different people in different ways. That's drugs. You hear things like prolonged use leads to a depletion of the body's ability to produce testosterone so that you essentially end up as a woman, much the same way that pills deplete your serotonin and you end up a depressed fuck all the time amongst other side effects e.g organ damage and high blood pressure. Just sounds a bit sketchy in my opinion.

Yeah, it's a load of misinformed bollocks (excuse the pun).

Testosterone supplementation above what your nuts produce naturally will cause your nuts to shut down and stop producing testosterone (well they don't need to while your pumping it in), this causes your bollocks to shrink (Atrophy).

But as soon as you stop the course of steads and use post cycle drugs to kick start your nuts into producing testosterone again then your bollocks resume normal service. It is not permanent.

Steads also DO NOT shrink your dick, this is another misconception.
The reason why Ronnie Coleman and Jay Cutler look like they have pin dicks is because there body's are 20 stone ripped to shreds, anybody's cock would look small once you hit about 15-16 stone ripped with less than 10% body fat!

Then there's the realm of chemical penis enlargement, well.....body building is body building!.......;)
My plants have grown 3 inches over night fookin mental only on day 11 think I'm gonna have to do some super cropping on this little slag
went in post today m9,.,, ul get it saturday,.

and yorkie cummon,, u loosing 2 stone, IMO,all that would be left in your glasses on the floor lol.. u dont have 2 stone to loose,

anyone used this? a pal ame over today saying its the latest and new pk for yer shizzle gi u a extra 2 oz per plant LOL bullshit, but all the same, wats the diffrence between this and normal pk,uther than ratio?
ohh yeah cheers mate, did you say u popped a few oz in there too haha
Nice what strain? They look better than mine did at that age but now I've flipped em the e gone mad!!! There ghost train haze should be some nice ahit
View attachment 2535696 and this is them 6 days ago lmao only joking :-DView attachment 2535705
View attachment 2535694
View attachment 2535695

heres a few pics 5 and a half weeks into flowering. their starting to pick up a bit now :-D. i cant make them full screen tho the uploader thing is playing up again

looking great them mrt lots of nice green leaves and decent amount of frost
they look to be flowering at a similar rate my one is going at.. 6 weeks i'm at now i think and seeing good progress! :)
So lets say you have solid build up in your medium then you feed that solid build up doesn't effect your plants? I don't think so mate. And I will give you one thing I use explode with it as well which also contains triacontanol ga3 and maybe contains something to dissolve them just a wild guess but that could be why it is working for me?? But there is no need for you to get all defensive cuz I beat you to the point. I know u got some but ain't used it yet. Well stop believing what pharmaceutical company's tell you and try it for your self cuz u never know what u might find just like I did so just stop hating on people. Oh ye and my plants look big for dinafem og kush topped once at that age.

Yes feeding after excessive salt build up does affect your plants, it causes lock out and PH issues.

You really should really go away and study the term 'Flocculation', because that's what happens when you put more chems in a liquid than the liquid could ever possibly dissolve.
This is exactly what happens to a Triacontanol solution of more than 500ppm, the Triacontanol coagulates and turns back into solid flakes within the suspension (ergo flocculation).

I have all ready explained that it makes no difference as to the other ingredients in the solution, they don't affect it's miscibility at all. It must be dissolved in a suitable solvent prior to being mixed with into a water based solution.
What part of 'fat is not water soluble' do you not understand?

I'm actually on the offensive and I fail to see what point you have beaten me to? In fact I fail to see what point you have made at all?

Stop believing Pharma company's? Dude this is Proctor & Gamble!
If you had bothered to read the patent application you would realise that the patent was applied for off the back of years of unsuccessful Triacontanol testing.

I prove you wrong on every point you have made and I'm hating on folk?

If you're attempting to school guys science then you'd better hope you know what you are talking about because you'll come unstuck when you actually come across somebody who does.
I'm short of 12 stone with 12%bf mate, I'm fit not fat!

LOL u aint seen 12 stone ringing wet,, 9 maybe :))

ohh yeah cheers mate, did you say u popped a few oz in there too haha

yeh sure, lol

so nobody got a answer to this pk thingy, i think its all merketing bollox, u know wat ther like but putting extra oz or 2 on yer plnat is pure bullshit,, but even i its only 20% correct gotta be worth a blast
Pmsl all I said was the way I do it works(which it does). Experience over knowledge IMHO. I use it that way and it works just because it goes against what you believe it makes it wrong. I don't think so. I'm not saying that it is dissolving or that it is soluble but I add it to my feeding schedule and it does make a big difference. Last grow I ran diafem og kush I got 2.5 oz from each plant without triacontanol lets just wait for harvest day then you will have to shut up. And yes it does raise my ppm by 140-150 after adding the mix (a+b,triacontanol,ga3 and explode) to water. Who are you to question my experience I told you where I got it how I use it even showed you results 6days from adding it.
LOL u aint seen 12 stone ringing wet,, 9 maybe :))

yeh sure, lol

so nobody got a answer to this pk thingy, i think its all merketing bollox, u know wat ther like but putting extra oz or 2 on yer plnat is pure bullshit,, but even i its only 20% correct gotta be worth a blast

its just another bloom booster buddy, full of P and K with fuck all nitrogen in. you could use it aslong as you keep up with your base nutrients aswell, but you could then find your ratio's well out of line. i like to feed grow and bloom all the way through after adding some shit to my soil, never bothered with any boosters.
It's delahaze from paradise seeds mate. I like haze! It's a very unique flavor/smell :)

Yeh man you gotta love the haze its a shame there isn't enough on the street when supply are out.I get from attitude thy give loads of free seeds away and soon there new promo is 10 free seeds on every order :-)
looking great them mrt lots of nice green leaves and decent amount of frost
they look to be flowering at a similar rate my one is going at.. 6 weeks i'm at now i think and seeing good progress! :)

cheers mate :-D it wasnt nice and green underneath lol. ive got loads of shit dry leaves on the 3 that i didnt lolipop but the lolipoped one is fine, thats a reason to lolipop by itself. so far looking at the budd size the lolipoped one looks a touch bigger but ill wait till i chop down to see if its made a difference
its just another bloom booster buddy, full of P and K with fuck all nitrogen in. you could use it aslong as you keep up with your base nutrients aswell. i like to feed grow and bloom all the way through, never bothered with any boosters.
yeh im at week 2 flower this weekend so ordered sum snormal canna pk, gunna start the boost sunday, but i been readin pk should only be used for 1 week? is that rite or would a 3rd or recomneded dose all way thru be ok? i always run base nutes to the end so im thinking
40ml A&B per 10 litre of water
25ml BOOST per 10 litre of water
and pk says recomended dose is 15ml per 10 litre for a week, so 5ml per 10 litre ongoing?,,
stopped rhiz
but 25ml per 10 litre of cannazym

dunno if cannazym is needed with fresh canna pro coco
so wayya think?

pulled 2oz a plant last harvest under 1 old shitty OLD 600 bulb, 6 plants, so hoping for much more this run with 8 under just under 1k brand new bulbs with boosts and whatnot

Pmsl all I said was the way I do it works(which it does). Experience over knowledge IMHO. I use it that way and it works just because it goes against what you believe it makes it wrong. I don't think so. I'm not saying that it is dissolving or that it is soluble but I add it to my feeding schedule and it does make a big difference. Last grow I ran diafem og kush I got 2.5 oz from each plant without triacontanol lets just wait for harvest day then you will have to shut up. And yes it does raise my ppm by 140-150 after adding the mix (a+b,triacontanol,ga3 and explode) to water. Who are you to question my experience I told you where I got it how I use it even showed you results 6days from adding it.

Then you have just answered your own question, how can it possibly be working if it doesn't even dissolve? What, do your plants grow teeth and eat the damn stuff?

It doesn't go against what I believe, it goes against chemistry. Like I said, what part of 'fat is not water soluble' do you not understand?

I'll shut up when you mix the solution properly and do a control test.

"And yes it does raise my ppm by 140-150 after adding the mix (a+b,triacontanol,ga3 and explode) to water." - Ah, now he explains it properly!.....:roll:

You said you got it from ebay, most probably the same supplier that I get mine from.

And this is the information supplied with that listing.......


The chemical composition.

1- triacontanol, n-triacontanol

common alternative names: myricyl alcohol, melissyl alcohol, tria-contanol.

C30H62O Molecular Weight: 438.82 Melting point : 80-83oC 90% pure.

White powder, stable in light, air, alkalii. For prolonged storage keep at 2-8 degC.

Low toxicity, safe to humans and animals. No phytotoxicity at standard application rates

Not soluble in water.

Dissolve in alcohol, n-butyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, ethyl ether, chloroform, petroleum, polysorbate20 (Tween20). The solution may need heating to improve solubility.

The people who manufacture it even tell you it can't be dissolved in water!

You showed me 'some' results 6 days apart, not necessarily attributable to Triacontanol.
I showed you better in less time with definitely no tria involved, so yes I will question your experience.
Last grow
yeh im at week 2 flower this weekend so ordered sum snormal canna pk, gunna start the boost sunday, but i been readin pk should only be used for 1 week? is that rite or would a 3rd or recomneded dose all way thru be ok? i always run base nutes to the end so im thinking
40ml A&B per 10 litre of water
25ml BOOST per 10 litre of water
and pk says recomended dose is 15ml per 10 litre for a week, so 5ml per 10 litre ongoing?,,
stopped rhiz
but 25ml per 10 litre of cannazym

dunno if cannazym is needed with fresh canna pro coco
so wayya think?

pulled 2oz a plant last harvest under 1 old shitty OLD 600 bulb, 6 plants, so hoping for much more this run with 8 under just under 1k brand new bulbs with boosts and whatnot


As far as I know your suppose to use it half way through flower or 3 weeks from harvest time I did both worked out great on