The Yorkshireman
Well-Known Member
No he was younger than me, about 21 I think he said. I think it's just probably just one of those things that effects different people in different ways. That's drugs. You hear things like prolonged use leads to a depletion of the body's ability to produce testosterone so that you essentially end up as a woman, much the same way that pills deplete your serotonin and you end up a depressed fuck all the time amongst other side effects e.g organ damage and high blood pressure. Just sounds a bit sketchy in my opinion.
Yeah, it's a load of misinformed bollocks (excuse the pun).
Testosterone supplementation above what your nuts produce naturally will cause your nuts to shut down and stop producing testosterone (well they don't need to while your pumping it in), this causes your bollocks to shrink (Atrophy).
But as soon as you stop the course of steads and use post cycle drugs to kick start your nuts into producing testosterone again then your bollocks resume normal service. It is not permanent.
Steads also DO NOT shrink your dick, this is another misconception.
The reason why Ronnie Coleman and Jay Cutler look like they have pin dicks is because there body's are 20 stone ripped to shreds, anybody's cock would look small once you hit about 15-16 stone ripped with less than 10% body fat!
Then there's the realm of chemical penis enlargement, well.....body building is body building!.......