The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Morning folks! An early one for my! Got to make the extra time to get onto this shitty job! Just having a light Pineapple to waken me up!
That was a good performance the Magpies put on yest eh! Don. I can see the snow there is like here! Thismorning it must be Near 12 inch thick or more. Just wait till it rains and it all goes to slush then ice! People are already going about stealing the grit from the council tubs located around schemes, and when you need the stuff for your granny's path there's nout! Las year there was an acctuall shortage where they didnt fill them back up pfff.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye man chelsea dropped two really we were dog shit second half, ameobi should have scored but thats nowt new haha am still grafting from home its fuckin grim out.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
How can normally acceptable human beings turn into such a bunch of pathetic bastards at the first snow flake, damned southerners! Nothing better than driving in the snow, speed up damnit! :( I had an early morning myself, got myself a 3rd job, doing around 55-60 hours a week now :)


Well-Known Member
work!!! jobs???? get a grip lads. the very thought of it!! i havent worked for around 3 years and i'm fuckin loving it, let the country feed you.


Well-Known Member
well i came to the conclusion that as my parents, granparents , aunties uncles and cousin have all collectively paid millions in tax it was about time sum1 stared making use of it instead of it being spent on shit like the fuckin olympics that only helps london and the south and keepin a southern based government in power so i think i'll continue to sponge for a while. and i can assure you that i probably pay more tax than most people in here even if its not income tax


Well-Known Member
A Scot, a Jew and an Englishman in a bar, after the waiter clears the table the Scot was heard to ask for the bill.
The next day the front page of the newspaper read "Jewish ventriloquist shot dead in restaurant."


Well-Known Member
yeh ive no worked for over 4 years ,fk that used to work 12hr shifts ,5days a week where does it get you ,fkn nowhere work yerself into an early grave ,
more to life than work ,aint no scrounger never signed on in my life


Well-Known Member
Order now for Christmas the new Radio 1 Live Lounge with the cover versions you never thought you would hear;

Susan Boyle - Don't You Wish Your Girlfriend Was Hot Like Me.
Stevie Wonder - I Can See Clearly Now.
Nick Griffin - Black or White.
Katie Price - Like a Virgin.
Rihanna - Hit Me Baby One More Time.
Michael Jackson - I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles.
Josef Fritzl - Love Shack.
Stephen Hawking - I'm Still Standing.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha :D

I like the concept of no work, but damn, not my kind of mentality, i cannot entertain myself to save my life (irony :P), i often put myself as fast as possible (read spirits :P) purely because there's nothing i would rather be doing, sleep is the ultimate goal, and work is a great distraction, think i'd end up jumping off my roof if i had nothing to do for more than a couple of hours :) i aint no scrounger either, not because i see it as wrong and such, dura makes a great case, my dad has likewise paid in the hundreds of thousands each year, yet who is making use of this? a bunch of dodgy birds in parliament, if they can have scandals it's the least the people who gave them the money in the first place can do, i just have never had a need for it. Plus me not using any tax paid services, gives me a genuine right to turn around and say FUCK YOU CAMERON as what's the worst that could ahppen if anarchy prevailed, oh wait, nothing, i'd live exactly as i currently do :D

Great Great news though, about to become self employed, that is to say i have to sort out all the taxes from the 3 jobs, seeing as i've signed no documents making me an official employee, and am getting straight cash in hand, tax evasion time maybe haha. If they catch me and say start paying us money, i'll request housing benefits and just pay that abck to them :lol:


Well-Known Member
yeh i used to work all hours ,till i found poker ,i studied played loads hours eventually got good enough that work made no sense ,to get out the 9-5 grind was my dream now i just grind poker a couple of nights a week (some might call it work but its all pleasure to me ) ,grow a bit ect ect
dredd the day i have to go bak to work if it ever comes

i hear yah on the tax ,self employed is the way to go good luck


Well-Known Member
i dont really bother with following time schedules any more, i just harvest when it looks rite i sumtimes use a microscope but i kinda just go with my instinct, not very scientific but thats me in a nutshell.