Share what exactly?How about you share some of your good stuff.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Come on...............get yer tools out.
M8 ive just dl the 1st series of hannibal, not watched any yet tho, is it any good? Not watched any new shit since walking dead far into season 2 of hannibal are u relax? u up to the latest episode?
Share what exactly?
Some recent grows?
Well I work smarter now.
Grow away from home.
Not happening tonight.
M8 ive just dl the 1st series of hannibal, not watched any yet tho, is it any good? Not watched any new shit since walking dead finished.
No man lol I still have to start 2! was planning on waiting for a few days off together to do it but I just keep getting way 2 high n getting fuck all done
Lmao funny read that was....just nailed the girls with 20 ltrs this is the bit I don't miss fuckin bastard watering and making feeds does me head in man...well I feel smashed after 2 joints its been a long old day
yeh mate fuk that 5 day dry an out the door money next day shittle....I like to cure mine for 17 years in yaksmilk ....fuk that peeps cant handle fully cured cos and theres no time ta be lost imoleave it out zedd all 30+ oz grows u wana keep out you and cure, fuck all that getting it out the door once dry, cashed in and on to the next one lololol
Its been there for 4 yrs dufus. And no, really, I dont care if I'm banned. Its only a fucking forum, I do have real friendsNot too fucking smart putting a link to Grass City in your Rollitup signature though are you?
Trying to get banned too?
You all say Im a teenager