The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
hehe, it's grim up north and all that but at least i can say everyone who i see in my day to day are white english, same as me.

how many can say that?
i mean i have seen about 20 foreign people this year total in my area, i work in a pretty public job seeing many faces too.


Well-Known Member
a topping is in order ice, those leaves will go like the womans skin and you'll fuck them off anyway, best get rid sooner


Well-Known Member
That Blue pit is going down a storm down this way, had constant phone calls with ppl after more lol, oh well they will have to wait a few weeks lol


Well-Known Member
glad it landed sae. ul only say its shit anyways u dont like nowt u.

yeh was gunna top them anwyays,my tents chillin at around the 25 mark, NICE!

anyone got a spare fan controller?
more money!! ffs


Well-Known Member
glad it landed sae. ul only say its shit anyways u dont like nowt u.

yeh was gunna top them anwyays,my tents chillin at around the 25 mark, NICE!

anyone got a spare fan controller?
more money!! ffs
lol its not that i dont like anything but its very rare i ever get sent anything that actually gets me stoned lol, tolerance is waaaay to high, most of em taste quite nice n stuff but just dont get me stoned lol
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Well-Known Member
Well i haven't seen rain like this for years man like some tropical thunderstorm or something its mad...just smoking a fat exo joint in the shed watching it piss it down lol quite relaxing it is


Well-Known Member
Well i haven't seen rain like this for years man like some tropical thunderstorm or something its mad...just smoking a fat exo joint in the shed watching it piss it down lol quite relaxing it is
fuking brilliant innit

i been dong housework, about to roll a livers up

while yeh the rains nice fuk it muggy, like warm as fuk,

veg tent has hit 22 lights off but thats better than 36 lights off and 28-29 lights on

thatel do me like.


Well-Known Member
All @ 4 weeks and a couple of days 12/12.
Not quite as healthy as I'd like but I've been slack with them to be honest
Still, steady away........
Exo x Dreamtime.
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thats all im sayin.

how u doin anwyays homeslice?

how u coping with the heat?

and im talking the plants,,, not u, i know how u cope with the heat, like all gingers, BURN!