The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Ah I see. When any of the young team txt me I need to get a translator. I got a txt the other day that said "KK NB". I was like what the fuck, turns out it means "cool,cool no bother"


Well-Known Member
too true..

when these kids speak these days i really can't understand them at all - i see their mouths moving but all i hear are the words "i'm a chav" over and over again...

q. what do you call a chav in a box?
a. innit!


Well-Known Member
ive found if u beat young people often enuff they will start speaking english, or at least screaming in english.


Well-Known Member
Birds still love me though del66666. Just canny talk to them and they canny talk with there mouth full. My bird asked me what a pedophile was........I said thats a big word for an 8 year old. Ohh harsh


Well-Known Member
Me and the wife were having an argument last night about me never letting her drive my car.

"You're a childish prick, do you know that?"

"I know you are but what am I?" I replied.

She said, "there we go again, very mature"

Apparently, replying with "like your dads knob cheese" is enough to put you in the dog house.