The UK Growers Thread!

Lucky fucker!!

Fortunately because I classify as living in poverty I got a 10k grant from, well, you lot, that I don't have to pay back :-)

The trade off is I'm gonna have 3 years being as miserable as I've ever been. Only been in London for 4 days and I'm already at breaking point. You have to be a deranged fucking retard to choose to live in London.
Fortunately because I classify as living in poverty I got a 10k grant from, well, you lot, that I don't have to pay back :-)

The trade off is I'm gonna have 3 years being as miserable as I've ever been. Only been in London for 4 days and I'm already at breaking point. You have to be a deranged fucking retard to choose to live in London.

the whole crowded/ppl being arseholes/really expensive thing?
the whole crowded/ppl being arseholes/really expensive thing?

Crowded, expensive, rude, being an utter minority in my own country. Not to mention the city is a filthy shit hole. Not used to blowing my nose and it being black. In my mind if you can't speak the language then you shouldn't be allowed to own a shop in the country. Being passed from one employee to the next to the next just to find one who understands what I mean by beef top side. Yore a butcher in england, learn the names of what you're selling or fuck off. Don't get me started on the street market. Trying to sell me crab that is just sat in the sun on a piece of polystyrene without any ice or such, flies all over it. Fuck off back to your African slum, don't bring your practices here.

I had a big enough issue with immigration when I lived in the countryside. I'll be a right wing supremacist at this rate.
re the lumi glasses I gone thru 3 pairs nowmi don't bother cos my eyes have adapted and I can see defs in hps, but they good in winter outside here cos they make it less yellow
I just don't understand the logic. Surely you came to London from whatever shit hole it was for a reason, so why then try and replicate said shit hole with your filthy market stands and hygiene practices? Might as well just stay where you were and actually be able to buy something with the one fish you sold that day. Oh right, yeah, shit, benefits. Forgot about that one :-P
I just don't understand the logic. Surely you came to London from whatever shit hole it was for a reason, so why then try and replicate said shit hole with your filthy market stands and hygiene practices? Might as well just stay where you were and actually be able to buy something with the one fish you sold that day. Oh right, yeah, shit, benefits. Forgot about that one :-P
well in the 50s they were sold the good life and came by the boatload from the west indies, obv the uk needed more slave labour so brainwashed them with ideas of prosperity in white mans land so they left Africa generations ago then worked the carribean until presumably less of them were needed in the sugar cane fields due to automation, then off to the uk to work as lowly factory workers who were more suited to the repetitive and tedious nature of that work, I managed one day of work in a production line, it was populated by black carribean people who were hoping to save enough money over a 5 year period to return to the paradise they left behind...for a visit, I asked them would they get on the return flight and they all said yeah cos they earnt more money workin these factories than their factories, fuk that for a life ide blow my brains out first
im alrite mate

novelty has well worn working min wage at my age lol but apart from that not too bad at all well soso lol missus has had enough of me apparently, i dont blame id have had enough of me lol
u will be doin nicely very soon mate I know this and I hope it all goes well, a stint on min wage is a kick in the ars to remind yourself u r an entrepreneur imo, take risks or die of boredom
Easy lads how's it going this lazy Sunday? Might her the lawn cut today???? Fuck knows lol try a buy .4 coin at this time is proving hard
fuck i forgot you worked in a bookies, bet they get half the wages back, fuck it off!.

then you were unlucky yesterday, i was taking the piss out of your 3-3 man city bet, in truth it could have been 5-5 lol