The UK Growers Thread!

Look I over reacted sorry man I just wanted to highlight the fact that it's toxic that's all I do apologise if I did misinterpreted ur origional post

Dude no need to say sorry, this is the UK its only banter, right ?
wishing death upon my pets and family was kinda mean of you, but i forgive you

but that silly cunt that thought i was a yank lol, no saving that one
Got a couple of the deepblue x livers two weeks in flower, only in tiny pots for tasters, whats the pheno you had like?
I grew out 4 , all were fem (they were freebies with my dog order me thinks) but one finished a bit faster was twice the size n the most stunning floral bouquet I've smelt in a while. I'd tons of pics up then this site deleted everyone's pics when they updated it the wankers lol even my first grow ffs but you should be pleased it's been well over a yr since I had her grown so my memory isn't 100% but ask the lads in 600 club or search breeders boutique dbxl u may see a pic or two of mine but I'm not sure if it's from before or after the site went to Shite n we lost our rep button (still not over that)
i have no interest in the books you have read, or who you consider to be a "respected member"
i do have some interest in seeing some pictures of your grow, when you are able to forward me some pictures i will be in a better position to evaluate your level of noobishness
Of course I'll be setting up after the summer n ill definitely post em
I hope there is no dead cats or dogs here ^^
Here's a snippet

    1. Ozone can increase sensitivity to bronchoconstrictors and allergens and may facilitate the development of asthma. In fact, thunderstorm events (when pollen and ozone are at higher levels), have coincided with up to 10-fold increases in asthma hospital admissions (Anderson et al. 2001).
    2. Systemically, ozone has been reported to mimic the effects of ionizing radiation, including damage to chromosomal structures. There does, however, appear to be a partial tolerance to this with repeated exposure (NIOSH 1978).
    3. In bleachery workers, exhaled nitric oxide levels could be a marker for airway inflammation after exposure to high peaks of ozone (Olin et al. 2004).
  • Date Last Revised: 09/06/2012
  • Literature Basis
    • ACGIH: Documentation of the Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) and Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs) - Ozone. 2001.
    • Anderson, W., Prescott, G.J., Packham, S., Mullins, J., Brookes, M. and Seaton, A.: Asthma admissions and thunderstorms: a study of pollen, fungal spores, rainfall, and ozone. QJM94(8): 429-433, 2001.
    • California Occupational Safety & Health Standards Board: Initial (PDF) and Final (PDF) Statement of Reasons. August 3, 2010.
    • NIOSH: Occupational Health Guideline for Ozone. September 1978.
    • NIOSH/IPCS: International Chemical Safety Cards - Ozone. April 26, 1993.
    • Olin, A.C., Andersson, E., Andersson, M., Granung, G., Hagberg, S. and Toren, K.: Prevalence of asthma and exhaled nitric oxide are increased in bleachery workers exposed to ozone. Eur. Respir. J. 23(1): 87-92, 2004.
Dude no need to say sorry, this is the UK its only banter, right ?
wishing death upon my pets and family was kinda mean of you, but i forgive you

but that silly cunt that thought i was a yank lol, no saving that one
That's the main reason I apologised lol I tend to get a little carried away
Here's a snippet

    1. Ozone can increase sensitivity to bronchoconstrictors and allergens and may facilitate the development of asthma. In fact, thunderstorm events (when pollen and ozone are at higher levels), have coincided with up to 10-fold increases in asthma hospital admissions (Anderson et al. 2001).
    2. Systemically, ozone has been reported to mimic the effects of ionizing radiation, including damage to chromosomal structures. There does, however, appear to be a partial tolerance to this with repeated exposure (NIOSH 1978).
    3. In bleachery workers, exhaled nitric oxide levels could be a marker for airway inflammation after exposure to high peaks of ozone (Olin et al. 2004).
  • Date Last Revised: 09/06/2012
  • Literature Basis
    • ACGIH: Documentation of the Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) and Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs) - Ozone. 2001.
    • Anderson, W., Prescott, G.J., Packham, S., Mullins, J., Brookes, M. and Seaton, A.: Asthma admissions and thunderstorms: a study of pollen, fungal spores, rainfall, and ozone. QJM94(8): 429-433, 2001.
    • California Occupational Safety & Health Standards Board: Initial (PDF) and Final (PDF) Statement of Reasons. August 3, 2010.
    • NIOSH: Occupational Health Guideline for Ozone. September 1978.
    • NIOSH/IPCS: International Chemical Safety Cards - Ozone. April 26, 1993.
    • Olin, A.C., Andersson, E., Andersson, M., Granung, G., Hagberg, S. and Toren, K.: Prevalence of asthma and exhaled nitric oxide are increased in bleachery workers exposed to ozone. Eur. Respir. J. 23(1): 87-92, 2004.

My image viewer is having difficulties loading the above image
You are not unique, i get "skooled" by noobs on the daily, i find it quite flattering

some noobs even take pictures of their grow books and upload the information, when this happens i get a little bit of an erection
but don't tell anyone
Oh jesus I don't go near those books it's full of shuttl gimmicks they don't need. I prefer botany. ..more interesting n helps u understand the plant better instead of stupid ass dribble....
Proxy ain't shit if ur posting pics it just masks u visiting a site when data is being transferred (uploading a file like a pic)u need a vpn

If you are using your browser to upload said pictures you also need to make sure your browser is not leaking any information
some browsers will leak information even when behind a vpn, if you want even better security, you want a vps
botany. ..more interesting n helps

Reading botany books is great, rather than those silly grow books written by hippies
but there is a balance between book learning and practical experience

there are many many folk out there with various degrees in various subjects but these very same people are awful at applying these skills in a real life application

if you can grow you can grow, your pictures will show that, what books you have read, and who your best friend is on this site is irrelevant

like i said, be your own credible source, you do not need to follow anyone, learn from your own mistakes

my system has been dialed in for 18-19 years , so i do not see any reason to change what is not broken
i hope this does not appear boastful, it is what it is
Reading botany books is great, rather than those silly grow books written by hippies
but there is a balance between book learning and practical experience

there are many many folk out there with various degrees in various subjects but these very same people are awful at applying these skills in a real life application

if you can grow you can grow, your pictures will show that, what books you have read, and who your best friend is on this site is irrelevant

like i said, be your own credible source, you do not need to follow anyone, learn from your own mistakes

my system has been dialed in for 18-19 years , so i do not see any reason to change what is not broken
i hope this does not appear boastful, it is what it is
Well said !and I totally agree coupling personal experience with some factual references. .not bullshit hippie gimmicks is by far the best way.
I bridge with tor over a vpn lol n piggy back on a neighbours ip

That is irrelevant, if you are using a browser locally on your machine, its possible that your ip address can still leak, hopping on the neighbours wireless is a good idea though lol

a recent example of this was webRTC, if your browser supports webRTC or does not block it
it will initiate a direct ip connection via webRTC

there are other problems with java scrips and flash plug ins
if you truly are paranoid use a vps
a vps is a virtual server where all software is running remotely
in either russia or china for the best bet lol
That is irrelevant, if you are using a browser locally on your machine, its possible that your ip address can still leak, hopping on the neighbours wireless is a good idea though lol

a recent example of this was webRTC, if your browser supports webRTC or does not block it
it will initiate a direct ip connection via webRTC

there are other problems with java scrips and flash plug ins
if you truly are paranoid use a vps
a vps is a virtual server where all software is running remotely
in either russia or china for the best bet lol
Ive java script disables doesn't that stop the ip leak? Yeah I'd go with chine I'll check it out...funny thing is I studied IT hahaha
Nice idea to keep the room not so smelly, i use ozone for this when they are extra smelly
what size fan are you using with your scrubbing filter ?
Peeked at my fan and the CFM isn't labeled, however i know it's around 6-700 cfm, (the one i use for scrubbing 24/7) and it's sitting atop a 4' can fan carbon filter. Without doing all the math- a smaller one, like half that size wld be sufficient to air-scrub a bedroom sized room or two.

Don was right about cycling the ozone on and off, so the levels don't build up! Myself, I'd only use it in a closed system or at a grow where I'm offsite. I've done a bit of research on the ozone generators and learned just enuf to make me very leery of them, as I have small pets and very few extra brain cells.

I'm known to use ozone to sanitize a new grow area. Once it had been running for a few days knocking out all the fine particles. had a friend visit and he brought his Labrador dog and that sucker was freaking out dancing back and forth in the empty basement, encouraging us to leave the space.. We couldn't figure out what was wrong with the dog until it actually went right up to the ozone generator and started barking at it. Ok, i know that's not scientific, but that was all i needed to spur more research and be reminded of the harm ozone is capable of. sometimes the nose knows best!
I grew out 4 , all were fem (they were freebies with my dog order me thinks) but one finished a bit faster was twice the size n the most stunning floral bouquet I've smelt in a while. I'd tons of pics up then this site deleted everyone's pics when they updated it the wankers lol even my first grow ffs but you should be pleased it's been well over a yr since I had her grown so my memory isn't 100% but ask the lads in 600 club or search breeders boutique dbxl u may see a pic or two of mine but I'm not sure if it's from before or after the site went to Shite n we lost our rep button (still not over that)

Funny enough I got them as freebies along with some blue pits back end of 2013. Only just getting around to flowering them off now. Cracked 3 db x l and got 2 lasses and 1 male. Had good rates with the BB gear so far, 10 cracked, 7 female from 4 different strains. Would have kept the males but no space.

Haha I remember the site change, defo preferred the rep button.