The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
salvia is intense for 1 minute, so fukin strong few like it, dmt diff but another level gotta love the smell of burnt plastic...then theres ayahuasca, my trip, 5 hours of introspection for the win


Well-Known Member
i want some shit i can vape , lie back in my leather recliner with some crazy 90's acid house on and be one with the world for a hour or 2 ;)


Well-Known Member
ill find it , it just requires abit of searching .... you know what us fuckers are like when we need a fix of something lol


Well-Known Member
Saw a really good program on Tv. Bruce Parry "Tribe" him out in some jungle taking ayahuasca with the locals. Mad shit
I did 15 trips of ayahuasca over a 5 year period, ie over one litre in total lol explains a lot imo
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Well-Known Member
Salvia x 35 I hit and lost the plot for ten mins. Scared the fuck out of me. I'd done no research and thought how bad can a ten minute business mans lunch break be. Turns out pretty fucking intense.
thats some fuuny shit man someone gave it my brother and said it was a spliff his mate literally had to pick him up off the floor and carry him home when he come to he said he couldnt remember shit except collapsing lmao

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
what percentage ethanol are u using and is it generally available?
95% and yeah pretty much, every Polish shop in the country will sell it and most Eastern European shops sell it although if they're not actually Polish in the shop they might not know exactly what you're asking for unless you explain it.

I got this from an Eastern European shop 5 mins down the road owned/run by Turks (the Polish shop next door was closed) and he didn't know what I wanted when I asked for it by it's Polish name.......'Spirytus' (Spi-ri-tus).

Any proper Polish shop (usually says Polski Sklep outside but don't take that as gospel that Poles run it, lol) and you can ask for it by name no bother.

It's expensive though, this 200ml bottle cost £9.99 (fucking Turks!), if the Polish shop next door had been open at that time I would have got a 500ml bottle for about £18-£20.

For perspective a 500ml bottle in Poland is £7-£9 depending on the exchange rate at the time, any corner shop you walk in.


Sometimes it comes labelled 96% (rarely) but there's no difference, it's all pure distilled Ethanol at the maximum 95.6% (ish).

If you want Ethanol that's higher than 95.6% you need to either A) add another chemical (benzene, cyclohexane, or heptane) that attaches to the water and then distil that off leaving 'Absolute Ethanol' (which contains trace residues), or B) pour it through a molecular sieve to separate the water.
