The UK Growers Thread!

Yeah Sativex, I have not looked in to the exact make up of the stuff but I am sure I have heard of negative side effects that are not seen with the dried plant but only their extract.

From what I understand it is processed to fuck, taking all natural balances and "goodness" out of it.

Well not really.

I can't see there being any side effects as it's a natural oil very similar 'Rick Simpson' style oil and it's produced in pretty much the same way.

The plants GW grow are from distinct chemotypes though, the plants are from Skunk# 1 heritage but they've been selectively bred by Hortapharm BV so that they only produce one phytocannabiniod each.

It's how Hortapharm were able to patent the plants, as they have created "something which is not found in nature".

GW get the seeds sent to England where they grow the plants and then make oil out of them, combining different ratios of THC and CBD and so on (according to the oils) in whatever products they make.

"GW has unique access to an extensive library of “phytocannabinoids” through the breeding of unique “chemotypes” (plants characterised by their chemical content). Currently available cannabinoids include:

  • D9-THC (Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol)
  • D8-THC(Delta-8 Tetrahydrocannabinol)
  • THCA(Tetrahydrocannabinol – Acid)
  • THCV(Tetrahydrocannabivarin)
  • THCVA(Tetrahydrocannabivarin – Acid)
  • CBD(Cannabidiol)
  • CBDA(Cannabidiol - Acid)
  • CBDV(Cannabidivarin)
  • CBDVA(Cannabidivarin - Acid)
  • CBC(Cannabichromene)
  • CBG(Cannabigerol)
  • CBGA(Cannabigerol – Acid)
  • CBGV(Cannabigerovarin)
  • CBN(Cannabinol)
  • CBNV(Cannabinovarin)"

There's certainly major side effects from the Synthetic THC that the USA makes that's trademarked Marinol (Dronabinol), that stuff's nasty.
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I can imagine that, those 2 going to lunch.

But all 3 seems a bit iffy to me.

Would it be 4 if he gets a new bird on the go. :confused:

Cringey as fuck that don't you think?
I pissed on mine one time off my nut years ago.

She was in bed fast asleep.
I rocked in, lobbed my cock out and pissed all over her head.

I didn't have a clue until she told me the next day.

Thinking back it was probably the subconscious hatred at work.
There's certainly major side effects from the Synthetic THC that the USA makes that's trademarked Marinol (Dronabinol) said:
I might be confusing Sativex with this then.

I just don't trust big Pharma....It is never straight forward like they tell us when they are pushing their products.

Aww I have fucked the quote!!:cuss:

Fuck it.