The UK Growers Thread!

I've just birthed the cakes from the tubs and cleaned em up, they've been soaking in filtered water for an hour or 2.
I'm gonna take some pics and put em in the box for fruiting in a min.
Yeah you can get multiple flushes out of cakes, about 3 or so.
Yea the yield goes up a bit until the 3rd flush then they slow down,think ive had 5 flushes outta the kits.
Mite try this myself the syringes are online,i couldnt find the grow kits tho innoculated must be fully illegal now.
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Mind you I've only had acid tabs a few times in my life but I suspect maybe only 1 or 2 of those times were actually proper acid.

Long before I knew about testing kits and shit, I've never been able to get hold of microdots which would have pretty much been 100% certain.

So really, fuck knows what I've actually had.
I want to try DMT but get the fear I end up on a permo haha!

So interested in hearing the dumbed down explanation of experiences but think I would have to be the one that never comes back knowing my luck. lol
Make sure it's just DMT as they cut alot of it with other traditional crap well anyways get a gram or some nice dose and whatever they recccomend take twice even 3 times that to guarantee u make the cross over..that's what's every1 wants it's like saliva but ur more concious n it's just a really deep experience.
Make sure it's just DMT as they cut alot of it with other traditional crap well anyways get a gram or some nice dose and whatever they recccomend take twice even 3 times that to guarantee u make the cross over..that's what's every1 wants it's like saliva but ur more concious n it's just a really deep experience.

Can you have bad trips? Like really scary I am going to die fuckos on DMT? lol

I had a really fucked up experience with high dose (for me) of Black Mamba when I was younger, fucked with me big time lol Half still think I died eh!
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Fuck reasearch chemz ther the cats arsehole
Dont like d.m.t either its weird as fuck shroimz all the way.
Dried out the ground and powderd jus cap em no shitty taste or fukall,bezt buzz on planet...
Can you have bad trips? Like really scary I am going to die fuckos on DMT? lol

I had a really fucked up experience with high dose (for me) of Black Mamba when I was like 17 , fucked with me big time lol Half still think I died eh!
No dude every1 has a spiritual buzz ur in a higher place all is calm it's just so beautiful u wake up super empathetic n I cried...shit was definitely needed.
It's all about 'set and setting' but if you're even worried about having a bad trip in the first place then it's probably best you stay away.

Being paranoid in the first place about what to expect is a sure fire way of guaranteeing a bad trip.

Yeah that's the problem haha, how do I stop being para and just do it! lol

Cause I find the stuff mad interesting,