The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
yhar man jus woulda bn fun spammin them for moanin lol
i cud moan all day bout havin nae ganj n sein such NASA grade shizzle gettin posted up here,the wife gets it in the but lol..........

must be a mediator or however u spell the name for the paedos..sorry pervs hehehe


Well-Known Member
yhar man jus woulda bn fun spammin them for moanin lol
i cud moan all day bout havin nae ganj n sein such NASA grade shizzle gettin posted up here,the wife gets it in the but lol..........
you can have all my weed for a night in wifes butt lolol

bit near the mark bam sorry im drunk, i no i would av prob got a slap for that in the pub but its the net bro lolol


Active Member
lmao i was askin for it,take it ur no babysittin tday then lol ,rollin around in ur homemade jungle,wots ur tipple?

reckon i might have been bumped on amazon for my cfls/90 quid inc delivery n its bn 3 weeks.....


Well-Known Member
lmao i was askin for it,take it ur no babysittin tday then lol ,rollin around in ur homemade jungle,wots ur tipple?
i only drink spirits m8, carnt stand beer,cider,wine etc and a wee side order of livers n pyschosis no cake today tho but yeah bam no babysitting 2night its me night off, was gonna borrow a load of puff from a m8 today but the inconsiderate wanker went and got himself fucked up by 6 asians in the town center last night i didnt have the heart to ask for a loan when i see the state of him 2day so just chuckd him a score for a cab home and said il speak 2mora lol


Active Member
i only drink spirits m8, carnt stand beer,cider,wine etc and a wee side order of livers n pyschosis no cake today tho but yeah bam no babysitting 2night its me night off, was gonna borrow a load of puff from a m8 today but the inconsiderate wanker went and got himself fucked up by 6 asians in the town center last night i didnt have the heart to ask for a loan when i see the state of him 2day so just chuckd him a score for a cab home and said il speak 2mora lol
Ooft sounds so familiar to bak in Glasgow,them pesky asians..
wot spirits do u like dude u into the whiskys?as i cud have a wee tip for u ther..


Active Member
haha yaaass ,here ur tolerance mus b fukin crazy spirits n ganj ar coma material lol

once upon a time, inthe days of clean plentiful bud ,
id put a good cured 4 gram of roughly chopped/not ground bud into a dram off a bottle o whisky.

tho let it mingle for a fortnight to a month if u can last lol,its a punisher!!


Well-Known Member
haha yaaass ,here ur tolerance mus b fukin crazy spirits n ganj ar coma material lol

once upon a time, inthe days of clean plentiful bud ,
id put a good cured 4 gram of roughly chopped/not ground bud into a dram off a bottle o whisky.

tho let it mingle for a fortnight to a month if u can last lol,its a punisher!!
lolol tolerance is a little higher than most and that aint fun bam or fucking cheap lol


Well-Known Member
ach 30 quid a bottle o the peatnectar and a hand full o your own grown stash cany b expensive to ye?!

if i was a gorilla id wipe ma arse wi ganj an still smoke it HAHA
m8 its a sellers market out there with green when that shit can be sold for 250 a oz and your smoking a oz in 2-3 days it gets expensive lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Tsk, it doesn't become expensive, it just decreases any potential earnings :p What can i say though, i think in business and lawyer terms, cutting into the plant profit margins maybe :D If i drank spirits it'd all be gone in 2 glasses, i like to do half and half in a pint glass, so i stick to stella, drinking all night long but not too drunk to work the next morning :lol:


Active Member
m8 its a sellers market out there with green when that shit can be sold for 250 a oz and your smoking a oz in 2-3 days it gets expensive lol
savvy mate,but i wouldnt pay it lol im not stingy but shit has went mental hasnt it ,i rememba wen it was norm for oscars to be £120 of a great standard.

£20 for 1.2 in some places,i would give certain people/quality that kinda cash if you compare it to spending in the pub to how fuckd up u get.

But shudnt have to eh?

Would rather giv my cash to the government if they startd sellin lol than pay daftys daft money for ganj

Ooops ranting again.


Well-Known Member
Tsk, it doesn't become expensive, it just decreases any potential earnings :p What can i say though, i think in business and lawyer terms, cutting into the plant profit margins maybe :D If i drank spirits it'd all be gone in 2 glasses, i like to do half and half in a pint glass, so i stick to stella, drinking all night long but not too drunk to work the next morning :lol:
dont listen to ttt hes too cheap for spirits and he smokes bout £300 a week yet eats pasta n salt most nights lmao you no i love ya ttt just messing m8.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, i've had a day of it today i tell ya! 3 slices of pork loin and apple sauce for lunch and i've got one of those risterant mozarella pizzas in the freezer for later, and a packet of sausages! :)

Alas this being this, i can't share the photo, but i have a couple of stoners from a house party a bit abck where i found the families liquor cabinet :lol: it just doesn't work well alongside well, work. If anyone wants to rent a house in the country with me and grow lots of dope and hunt lots of steak, you let this plonker know alrighty :D black pepper steak, mmmmm, steak. mmm. steak. steak. steak...... mmmm. first one to finish their steak wins steak!


Well-Known Member
i agree with daisyduke, ive had plants that have looked like that but i couldnt put it down to a specific so i just covered all the basic options. theyve always recovered(some better than others)
ah fairenough , just had to kill that weird plant i had that grew in 3's as it grew balls.