The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
wow, those look great, thats how i can hopfully see mine goin,last grow i done was arjans haze,wen i took cuts from them, i shit you not ,they were showing root after about 4 days! i think they were near anuff pure sativa, they stretch like over 5 ft,

im guessing these are indica? got my light nice a low, how much did they yeild sambo???


Well-Known Member
oooooft wot strain done that to you man lol?

how tha fuk did u do that
My work mate drilled my finger, with the joist cutter bit in mate stung abit lol

looks loads better ... last pic looks like you picked your nose during a nose bleed hahaha
Looks manky i thought, but the docs said its good so ;) !!!

MC Pokey Bogey
Lol...........I cant find any vids of him on youtube bro is he good??!!?? lmao

looks like a finger from the walking dead.......
Aye lass said the same thing mate, she nearly chucked 1 up when i showed her lol!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Likewise haha, nasty! When it's ya own it's all fun and games though, although i often puke up when i cut me fingers bad, it's that whole pulse in the cut bad voodoo joojoo that just aint right man! Above the knuckles though and it's all good, it all heals over eventually without too much grief :D I'd have just wrapped the finger in paper towel and duck tape and waited to see what happens next :lol: i have a habit of doing that, my body's not in factory condition as a result.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I ordered a 135w cfl from basement lighting and they sent a 300w, half the tubes failed after a short while, so bought a 125w and it seems more than enough for vegging, fuck cfls for flowering though, net timme your girl gives you a "look" knock her the fuck out, this is cannabis bitch!


Well-Known Member
Gonna need a bigger cupboard bam! Get it started, you can leave them under 24/0 while you're building it ;)

Finger looks like its on the mend pukka. saying that, still looks well rank haha. bird wont be letting you near her with that digit lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

No real comments, a cannabis documentary i havn't seen, i loved the police explanation in the incorrect raid "it turns out his house was just warm"

haha, 54 minutes, it takes at least a 600w bulb to grow anything at all, so you're normally looking at 1200w. hahahaha, i love cops, it' hard not to love them


Well-Known Member
They make 300w cfls now.
i did a grow late last year with a 300w red CFL and a 300w blue CFL running togethor , heat was a ball ache and only got 23g dry off one plant and 26g dry off the other , swapped fora 250w HPS and it sorted the heat and increased my yeilds.... now im running the 400w HPS ... once you start you spend more money increasing shit ..should of just bought a 1000w hps when i started lol ill end up with one anyway !!! lol


Well-Known Member
i did a grow late last year with a 300w red CFL and a 300w blue CFL running togethor , heat was a ball ache and only got 23g dry off one plant and 26g dry off the other , swapped fora 250w HPS and it sorted the heat and increased my yeilds.... now im running the 400w HPS ... once you start you spend more money increasing shit ..should of just bought a 1000w hps when i started lol ill end up with one anyway !!! lol
ya gotta spend to acumalte n all that malarky but its very true especially when growing the erb.


Well-Known Member
anyone ever had any weed that tasted really spearminty ? like wrigleys spearmint gum ? my mate is a gardiner at a local graveyard and found 2 plants in pots hidden under a bush so he took them and grew em ,they tasted just like wrigleys spearmint and absolutly blasted ya, ... he never took cuttings though so i have noidea what it was ... any ideas ?