The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Yeh them xannies are something else man, im one of them wo will bite my tongue normally...gimme a xannie and il say what i think...its dangerous lol
Lol same problem man im my worse enemy sometimes
Ive woke up a few times off blues in strange places we people i dont even know
Oh the good times


Well-Known Member
With blueys i could remeber the night, with xannies i dnt remeber shit lol its dangerous plus xannies make me more hyper where as blues would have me in the sack aftwr a few! Its like the more xannies u have u get more daring and give less fucks lool, so fri night im either gonna be proper messy causing havok or locked up pondering on life wondering where im.going with all this shit.....i dnt know which is worse lool, i rekon a stint would do me good tho


Well-Known Member
I sell the odd oz here n there but at 50e for 2.75/ 3gs(yeah I give em more now so they don't cheap out n buy soap bar) I can't bring myself to do full oz... the profits just well 2 profitable lol Heck my profits so good I kept 3oz of exo for myself n now my crops done n I've to buy more fucking glass jars. First world problems lads... Come on over to Ireland n make some dosh lol


Well-Known Member
I sell the odd oz here n there but at 50e for 2.75/ 3gs(yeah I give em more now so they don't cheap out n buy soap bar) I can't bring myself to do full oz... the profits just well 2 profitable lol Heck my profits so good I kept 3oz of exo for myself n now my crops done n I've to buy more fucking glass jars. First world problems lads... Come on over to Ireland n make some dosh lol
I'd be fucked if I only kept 3 oz.....having 1 customer also has its perks. Time is money and there ain't nothing worse than fannying around with score bags imo.


Well-Known Member
I'd be fucked if I only kept 3 oz.....having 1 customer also has its perks. Time is money and there ain't nothing worse than fannying around with score bags imo.
I sell Wednesday n Friday which is dole day n payday n we all meet at a mated on the Wednesday n I sort em then n then Friday I sort out a few that work which is all 100e bags so no fanny here boy lol


Well-Known Member
I sell Wednesday n Friday which is dole day n payday n we all meet at a mated on the Wednesday n I sort em then n then Friday I sort out a few that work which is all 100e bags so no fanny here boy lol
I am lucky to get out the house once a week on me tod let alone 3 days per week lad.