The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i needs to go back to basics lol been strugging to get then density last 3 grows where im working away alot now im not in there as much as i should in the auto pots they grow fast and get to close to the light for the heat stress only thing i can think it being im 6 weeks from flip tomorrow and shit airey buds ffs.

rant over see you boys are all still safe witch is good to see


Well-Known Member
Teach the baby to sling it for u.. #Father of the month
I'll no be their father for long doing that. Mrs would a/ kill me then b/cut my knackers off, then c/ move to Africa.

Was speaking to one of the guys who was behind Devils Harvest seeds and his son got caught slanging weed at school....13 year old. The guy seemed pretty proud about it which I thought bazaar. He even said, as long as he's not stealing my gear.


Well-Known Member
He's an ok guy as well.....or was. But when he told me that my views on him changed dramatically. I think he was just acting the big un the douche nozzle


Well-Known Member
It's on thing to act Johnny big balls online but not in real life fuck that shit...I've always regretted doing drugs that young so he should know better.i think pots fucking magnificent and all that but not when the brains not fully developed.


Well-Known Member
Aye. It's hard to stand judgement when you started chuffing the odd joint at 13 yr old. But as a parent I'd rather my kids wait until they are matured physically.....but kids will be kids.


Well-Known Member
It's hardly running smack out of Karachi in children's coats when they're wearing them, but yeah don't get the kids to punt the dope in school seems like a good rule imo


Well-Known Member
Dope definitely fuks with the ability to study esp in the young, I gave up for 5 years ( well gave up being permanently high) to study, then got back on it

Chicken face

New Member
I live in the north east of England. M
y wife has spinal arthritus and i want to grow weed to make some medical cannabis.

The problem is, I have two young kids who I love and i'm afraid of the consequences of being caught. Will social services be involved?

I want to know if this is worth doing. I'll do anything to ease my wifes pain but if there is a chance I wont see my kids i definitely won't do it.

If I were to grow 17 autocannabis plants and got busted, what would the penalty be?


Well-Known Member
I live in the north east of England. M
y wife has spinal arthritus and i want to grow weed to make some medical cannabis.

The problem is, I have two young kids who I love and i'm afraid of the consequences of being caught. Will social services be involved?

I want to know if this is worth doing. I'll do anything to ease my wifes pain but if there is a chance I wont see my kids i definitely won't do it.

If I were to grow 17 autocannabis plants and got busted, what would the penalty be?
Grow no more than 9 you will be safer


Well-Known Member
That's the problem with pot it makes shit interesting but u retain very little but I've been stoned constantly for a good while now n I'm just in a better mood after smoking.ive to dive into my keif to get baked or bong