The UK Growers Thread!

i like two carbon filters one just turning the air over in the room "scrubbing" and the other attached to the exhaust. remember cf aren't as efficient when it's hot and humid.

Nice idea to keep the room not so smelly, i use ozone for this when they are extra smelly
what size fan are you using with your scrubbing filter ?
So it is toxic? Lol How would u use such a contraption safely,? Do you've animals or small children. . Have u calculated how much circulation is needed to keep the dank non existent? One lower intake one overkill with a sms fan speed controller you've nothing to worry about just don't buy a cheap filter...simples
So it is toxic? Lol How would u use such a contraption safely,? Do you've animals or small children. . Have u calculated how much circulation is needed to keep the dank non existent? One lower intake one overkill with a sms fan speed controller you've nothing to worry about just don't buy a cheap filter...simples

I already have a filter, i would not purchase a branded filter they are a waste of money imo
salt is also toxic if an imbecile puts too much on their fish and chips they will die

do not concern yourself with the safety of my pets or family pal, your concern is touching but unnecessary
ozone is widely documented and EC approved for use in the home
I already have a filter, i would not purchase a branded filter they are a waste of money imo
salt is also toxic if an imbecile puts too much on their fish and chips they will die

do not concern yourself with the safety of my pets or family pal, your concern is touching but unnecessary
ozone is widely documented and EC approved for use in the home
Well my link says differently I've purchased cheap filters n after a few crops they go to shit. The mountain air filter is one of the best bits of equipment I've purchased n a members proven it's longevity 3yrs+ n he's doing good
Well my link says differently I've purchased cheap filters n after a few crops they go to shit. The mountain air filter is one of the best bits of equipment I've purchased n a members proven it's longevity 3yrs+ n he's doing good

Your link lol, get some grow experience and you will not need to "parrot" other people or post silly links

i have used ozone safely for over 10 years
i have budget carbon filters that are fine after several years of use

do you work for mountain air ?
you mention them a lot, there are many brands of carbon filter on the market
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