The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
im running 2 og kush x headband at the minute and they are like rocks seriously you cant squeeze the buds. kinda wished id got a boy from the beans but still.
nice man the buds are beautiful! you'll get a good haul off the leaff aswell by the looks of it. top stuff :)


Active Member
ive got a few og and master kush on the go myself( clones from my buddy) ive topped them and there also in with 4 orange bud. hoping for a very happy spring crop. last crop was a bit disapointing , combination of my drunken lazinesss(fuck all new there), some feeding mistake( still think it was sabotage) and me being a cheap cunt and not repalcing older bulbs but ordered new bulbs today and im on the anti booze pills again so fingers crossed i dont fuck up again
good luck bro hope all works out for you.

I love the heavy trich coverage on those leaves don, seems you only get that distinctive white edge on kush strains. Where did you get your headband seeds don? Brock has convinced me to get a hold of some beans.

Question to all in this thread:

Favourite strain, to smoke only?
ha ha ha hope you can get hold of some man.

from the recent Dam trip it would have to be a toss up between the Headband and the Green crack.

sorry about the post binge :roll:


Well-Known Member
sorry about the post binge :roll:
slow down there crack head! haha.

I've heard good things about green crack as well, thought it was clone only though.

Found some reserve privada headband seeds but at £11 a pop, pretty pricey. We'll have to see for time.

Call me old school but one of my favourite strains has gotta be white widow. Had it twice, once was pretty good and the other was like from sobre to stupid in a couple hits!


Well-Known Member
I love the heavy trich coverage on those leaves don, seems you only get that distinctive white edge on kush strains. Where did you get your headband seeds don? Brock has convinced me to get a hold of some beans.

Good luck Dura, my grow is pretty disappointing as well, hoping to learn from my mistakes as well.

Question to all in this thread:

Favourite strain, to smoke only?
the 'church' mixed with an 'e' and chased with a line of charlie.............actually full on tripped...awesome effect....havent felt anything like it since my glue sniffing days, and to be totally and completely truthful NO drug has EVER produced the effects of sniffing glue.EVER.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
6 large sausage rolls, baked this morning. 5 pence :)

Havn't really smoked much of anything, smoked a lot, but not particular strains. All i know is i'd really like to get some more lavendar, can't remember much but remember i enjoyed it :)


Well-Known Member
"How depressing, it's so cold and grey," said the wife.

"Well, it is January," I replied... then I noticed the dead elephant lying in our front room.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The BBC have just described cannabis as a herbal terrorist.

Started watching and stopped. Propaganda crock. The kids interviewed just happened to have met in class because they were high and both said "i'm so high" to each other, then it talks about not going to univerrsity. Now they#'re walking in the forest after a hash cookie, and there's background audio which at one poin t subliminally states quietly "i thought i was going to die"

fuck off bbc


Well-Known Member
I love shows like this LMAO . Its always some collage GIMP whos mammy caught him smoking and said YOU WANT TO SMOKE THAT SHIT !? THEN SHOW THE WORLD HOW BAD IT IS ! Give the boy some 2C-D Then we will see some real action hahaha !

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I know the one, dj fellow, goes and talks to that rocking grandma who makes cannabis chicken pie and has big oap lunch parties :D Was that the one where the police were being filmed and were explaining how they dealt with things in a respectable and unhumiliating manner by leaving little notes on the doors asking them to pop on down to the station for a chat, like fuck they do that :D


has anyone else had results with canna boost and some pk13 cause ive been flowering 4 plants for about 4 weeks and f**K it looks about ready already,im not daft and no its not ready and the canna boost is really expensive but the results are unreal i aint kiddin

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I've read a lot on canna boost being a waste of money. So i stopped using it to see what the real story is. Needless to say, i've been growing out the same clone for a year or so, and under a 400w hps using boost yielded maybe double what it yielded in it's first go under a 600w hps. The colas were literally twice the size when using the 400w and boost.