The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I've always struggled with the ladies, so my mate told me his best chat up line. He said it works every time.

That night I walked up to a girl in a club and said, "Are your legs tired? You've been running through my mind all night."

Turns out my mate is full of shit. She just started crying, spun her wheelchair round and rolled out of the club.


Well-Known Member
So Barak Obama,The President of the United States isn't invited to the royal wedding but Mr and Mrs Shingadiam, a local shopkeeper and his wife are.
Prince William "I really don't want to invite the Nigger, He'll only rob us"
Kate" But if we don't, It will make us look Racist'
Prince William "In that case we'll invite a couple of Paki's, They can stand at the back where we can't smell them and at least they won't nick the wedding presents"


Well-Known Member
plants lookin well dell, how far in are you? bout 4 weeks?
i dont need to watch comedy, i just come to this thread and read your jokes mate. yeah i think they are around 4 weeks mate but i never keep count these days. they look so different from my other grows, be interesring to see how quality and quantity differ. been using hesi nutes but starting on canna next, going to get some hammerhead 8-4 , supposed to be good


Well-Known Member
hahahaha how many sides does a triangle have. "4", "1" hahahaha sorry dumb fucks
lmao, some gold in there.


"Whats up with korea?"

"Their attitude!"

oh mannnn.


"Do you know what state KFC originates from"

"What, the chicken?"


"Damn I really don't know"

"Do you know what KFC stands for?"

"Kentucky fried chicken, right?"


"Star wars. True or false"




Well-Known Member
Holly fuck guys, actually done some work today and made some pretty pennies. I'm getting ripped in the office because it's the first time Ive done some selling in about 3 months

Come to think of it, I was getting everyone else in the office to get me the quotes and even passed the calls on to my PA to read the legal shit. I love free money. LOL


Well-Known Member
ahm for a drink wi the bird tonite, shes forgiven me.....well i'm still denying it and shes not pushin for any more info.....goin for a drink wi the hot barmaid tomorrow.....heheheheheheheeheheheheh i am a dirty rotten scoundrel........and a FUCKIN love it.


Well-Known Member
Lookin lovely billy. The top on your big momma is gonae b a dooozy!

Is that a tent they're in? how big is it?

I'm swaying towards doin a couple a hydros next time instead a the soil, ive awready got two 20l buckets, net pots, n air stones so i jus need the air pumps i hink. Would i need tae get a proper pH tester n an EC stick hing if i was gonae dae hydro? What other hings would i need tae make it good n proper?


Well-Known Member
A bank robber bursts into the bank and yells "give me all the money NOW" a brave customer runs over and rips his mask off his face
and says "you cant rob the bank now ive seen your face" the robber shoots him dead, "anyone else see my face" he yells?
after a moments silence a wee voice from the back says "i think that cunt in the Celtic top had a right good look"


Well-Known Member
Lookin lovely billy. The top on your big momma is gonae b a dooozy!

Is that a tent they're in? how big is it?

I'm swaying towards doin a couple a hydros next time instead a the soil, ive awready got two 20l buckets, net pots, n air stones so i jus need the air pumps i hink. Would i need tae get a proper pH tester n an EC stick hing if i was gonae dae hydro? What other hings would i need tae make it good n proper?
M8 I never check my PH, once I mix the nutes it goes to about 5.8 and then I add a few drops of PH down(some sort of acid). Ive only done 1 full water change since the start of this grow(just use nutes with low salt content). If I was to start seeing problems with the plant I would then check PH and do a water change. I always use about 70% strength and then top up with PH'd water for 1 week, then go back to 70% nutes strength and repeat the process. You will notice the growth difference BIG TIME with DWC. The tent is 2m tall m8. The big one is about 5 foot