Well-Known Member
my blueberry gum from g13 seed at day 17.
what u all think?
what u all think?
my blueberry gum from g13 seed at day 17.
what u all think?
thanks dude im happy with how its growing so far. and thats never gonna happen it will be 3-1 to the hoops 2morro mate rangers have such a weakened team right now due to injuries and cut backs its hard to see them doing much anytime soon unless they get a much needed cash injection.looke like its cumin on nicely mate, perfect leaf formation....btw ready for your team to get shafted the morra mate? lol
Game of 2 halves gaz. Never a pen m8
got a serious bout of man flu right now. was up at 1 last night and just waited it out for my girlfriend to get up so she could go get me some meds lol, was a lonnggggg night. Not makin that mistake again though, gonna dose up on codeine before bed tonight but I'm unsure on dosage, thinking about doing 60mg or 90mg to just numb me out. Cant get hold of any valium so that isnt an option. Done 30mg quite a few times with back pain before but thats it.
what a shit old firm game. the result will do for celtic (me) but the performance was shite. samaras shud hang his head in shame that game and penalty miss is one to forget.
never mind still top of the league.
what did the rest of yous think about the game?
go easy on the codeine m8 if ya not got a tolerance start small cause it can make alot of people feel sick.
Ah I'll just go 60mg then, only got 120mg anyway so I don't see myself developing a habit lol.