The UK Growers Thread!

I was sat in the park watching my young son play on the swings when this gorgeous woman came and sat on the bench beside me. After a moment she asked, " Is he yours? He's lovely."

I replied, " Yeah, he is. Thanks." She said, " Where's his mum? "

I looked down to the ground and replied, " There is no mum, I'm afraid. She died giving birth to him. You know, the last two years have been the hardest of my life. Nobody ever prepares you for being a single parent. With no family here, I've had no support network and I've had to bring him up all by myself. You never know if the things you do and the decisions you make are the right ones but despite everything, he seems to have turned out alright."

By the time I'd finished I could feel a tear welling in my eye. She sat looking at me for a moment before saying, " That breaks my heart but hearing you say that, makes me feel so attracted to you. "

She took out a pen and a bit of paper, wrote something down and said, "Here's my number. I'd love to go for a drink with you sometime." And with that she got up and started to walk away. As I watched this beautiful woman walk out of the park, I felt my son tugging on my arm, beckoning me to push him on the swings again.

I looked down and said, " Sorry son, we haven't got time. I need to get home and kill your mother."
looke like its cumin on nicely mate, perfect leaf formation....btw ready for your team to get shafted the morra mate? lol
thanks dude im happy with how its growing so far. and thats never gonna happen it will be 3-1 to the hoops 2morro mate rangers have such a weakened team right now due to injuries and cut backs its hard to see them doing much anytime soon unless they get a much needed cash injection.
gotta agree with ur appraisal of the team and the cash situation but i think we will fight hard for the win tomorrow, especially as thegame is at ibrox, uve got a decent strike force and thats undoubteddly helped to give u the league position but your defence is wobbly mate and we;ve got the guys to open them up... the rest of the spl havent...i think it'll be good hard game but i think, and again this is probably becoz its at ibrox , that we'll win, mabe jist by one goal.....lets hope diouf and broony get wired intae each other....they fuckin hate each other!!!lol....ah fuckin love it when that sorta stuff is happenin.... reminds me of ricksen and lennon, just adds tae the entertainment!!
thats it mate its all about the entertainment sure i'd love celtic to win but if they dont im not gonna run off and start sending suspicious packages to anyone in the dressing rooms lol its a game at the end of the day and i just enjoy a bit of a laugh about football and try not to take it too seriously. but i must still argue that i think it will be a reasonably comfortable win for celtic 2morro the recent form of the celtic midfield and strikers have more than made up for an occasionally shaky defence that will be warned to be more alert 2morro.
ok so happy easter and all that.............dont forget that poor jesus died through eating to many chocolate eggs or something like that............was out looking in my garden, got some mint out there and i noticed bugs on it...a sharp reminder that its bug time of year and of my infestation of spider mites....tried the sprays from b and q which cut the numbers but didnt get rid them....eventually used neem and wiped them out in a few weeks........going to give my ladies a spray at lights off to keep those little fuckers off...5ml neem, 2 litres water, a couple drops of dish liquid and shake shake shake........spray spray be safe.
what a shit old firm game. the result will do for celtic (me) but the performance was shite. samaras shud hang his head in shame that game and penalty miss is one to forget.
never mind still top of the league.
what did the rest of yous think about the game?
got a serious bout of man flu right now. was up at 1 last night and just waited it out for my girlfriend to get up so she could go get me some meds lol, was a lonnggggg night. Not makin that mistake again though, gonna dose up on codeine before bed tonight but I'm unsure on dosage, thinking about doing 60mg or 90mg to just numb me out. Cant get hold of any valium so that isnt an option. Done 30mg quite a few times with back pain before but thats it.
Happy Easter all. I had small prob with one off 4 off my ladys. its th shorter one and its wilted over on its side 6 inches from the top.other foot in length below it all lush green still. no burnt leafs so i think it cos i didnt put fan on high enough today as the taller ones r loving it and as was corner plant it over warmed. no discolouring or nothing on any off them really and thick branches so not down to weak branches. the one that went over is in a black pot and when i got it out hiding place it was hot to touch and plant top felt flimsey with it. anybody had this before on here and if so wot damage should i expect. could she keel over and die or you think should pull through it. i splinted her upright and sprayed water to cool her down again.and just b sure i have moved half out light for few hours. she was ok this morning so defo happened last few hours. got alot nutes and new fans arriving mid week so hoping can hold out till then.
got a serious bout of man flu right now. was up at 1 last night and just waited it out for my girlfriend to get up so she could go get me some meds lol, was a lonnggggg night. Not makin that mistake again though, gonna dose up on codeine before bed tonight but I'm unsure on dosage, thinking about doing 60mg or 90mg to just numb me out. Cant get hold of any valium so that isnt an option. Done 30mg quite a few times with back pain before but thats it.

go easy on the codeine m8 if ya not got a tolerance start small cause it can make alot of people feel sick.
what a shit old firm game. the result will do for celtic (me) but the performance was shite. samaras shud hang his head in shame that game and penalty miss is one to forget.
never mind still top of the league.
what did the rest of yous think about the game?

Listened to it on the wireless, due to trying to resolve plant issues today. Game sounded ok, I believe McGregor's save was immense.