The UK Growers Thread!

I reckon you'd need to cure it for a good couple of months to get the taste back to relatively normal. not worth it imo
never done it myself but from what I read on there make sure you using natural colourants.. they even talk about adding fruit juices and all kinds of weird shit...

I say why fuck with something that is already perfect...

ive been hearing a few stories about guys flushing there plants with fruit juices to give them an added taste, dunno if it works though!
btw anyone out there got a decent dwc journal, its more to do with starting the seeds off and the first few weeks of care. ive done dwc b4 but it was an established plant in soil that had serious problems so i washed the dirt off the roots and dwc'd it but ive not started from seed. any tips or advice welcome...any cash or naked pics of girlfriends/sister mums/grannies also appreciated.
ive smoked some flavoured green before it was a bit gacky but still got u high taste was interesting but not offencesive.

Me and riu search really arent getting on anyone got a guide to cloning/taking cuttings had enough of reading problem threads now -.-
try go to advanced search - you can then specify by title only.. also you can use "parenthesis" it seems...

alternatively just search on google for what you are looking for and +rollitup


ive smoked some flavoured green before it was a bit gacky but still got u high taste was interesting but not offencesive.

Me and riu search really arent getting on anyone got a guide to cloning/taking cuttings had enough of reading problem threads now -.-
I'm a bit of a failure when it comes to starting seeds in rockwool i'm afraid, i have to grow em in soil etc then clone em, at that point they can go in dwc. Either that or i just wash all the soil off and tape it to a net pot.

As it is though here's what you do.

To germ the seed, i've found with rockwool that you can't germ it and then easily insert it, unless rockwool is cut in half and then rubber banded back together, so easier on the whole to just drop it in. You then have the option of germinating it in a prop etc, or in a dwc tub, either way, you just gotta keep a sharp eye on the moisture level of the rockwol, not too wet but not too dry, you should not be able to shake water out but if you pinch two corners gently it should drip water.

To germ it in a dwc tub, you can either use feeder tubes and a submerged pump and drip feed it, or you use the bubbles to keep it wet, which involves monitering the water level, too high and it'll be too wet, too low too dry. Alternatively a more or less powerful pump or the placement of the airstone etc. When doing it this way, it pays to have a second net cup and rockwool cube setup, just as a benchmark cube, run the tub for a few days with the test cube and you'll find your water level wihtout wasting seeds.

Then just keep the rockwool this level of dampness until roots are in the water, after that it doesn't matter one bit how wet the rockwool cube is really.

Not much of a "thread" but i can answer questions as they're asked haha/ If not i think it was illegal smile that had a very good DWC thread about DWC without the tubes.

As i say, i've always done clones in the past with no issue, seeds slightly more, probably due to my lack of attention, i gto 2 lemon skunks to turn into seedlings just fine and then i killed them y forgetting a humidity dome for a few hours. If using a heated propogator, a dome is essential, the cubes will dry out in hours. and everything will goto shit very very fast.
When i do DWC i start off seedlings in 1" rockwool cubes then stick them in 3" cubes, there quite happy in them for a good few weeks fed on formulex, i let the roots pack out the cubes then stick them in my net pot then into my DWC bucket. This is the easiest way, if you dont fancy rockwool then root riot cubes are good to start off seedlings then stick them in a net pot with clay pebbles or you could start seedlings off in coco in a net pot when they they have a good root structure then into the DWC system. Theres many ways to go depends on whats in your supply cupboard.
I had them when i ran NFT so i had a supply also need some type of medium to pack around the net pot 3" cubes fit perfectly into the net pots i use. The standard oxypot pot is a bit bigger so 1" cubes then clay pebbles work well in those pots. I like using 3" cubes as for the first couple of weeks of growth its easy to maintain just keep the cubes moist and let the roots pack out the cubes then into net pots then into the DWC bucket. I also hate clay pebbles falling out the pots when its res change time im still finding them on the floor in the garage and i aint done a DWC grow for a good while now. Theres many ways to go with it i just find rockwool the easiest.
What's the benefit of moving to larger cubes? I've always used the 1" cubes start to finish. Is there a justification in buying them?

I grow in coco and perlite but I use the 3"cubes for my cuttings. I don't think the 1" cubes are big enough to hold enough of a route system prior to transplant.
thanks for the info lads, i'm not starting until next week so i'll keep ya all posted as to what i do and how it goes.
I pop ma seed, fling them in root riot cubes, wait until they pop there heads and put them straight in the net pot with the clayy pebbles. No prop and mist every day until roots start coming through. 100% record
I grow in coco and perlite but I use the 3"cubes for my cuttings. I don't think the 1" cubes are big enough to hold enough of a route system prior to transplant.

I do not transplant at all. I stick the clone in the cube, roots start growing, roots keep growing, grow outta the pot and into the water, it then just continues to do what it does.
I do not transplant at all. I stick the clone in the cube, roots start growing, roots keep growing, grow outta the pot and into the water, it then just continues to do what it does.

What size net pot you use TTT? unless its a 1" pot which is perfectly doable i suppose your gonna need some other medium as well as a 1" cube.
I use a 3" net pot (2.5? around that) and a small handful of hydroton. I've 90L of the stuff in the attic that will never be used as i just re-use. Only problem i have with it is a utter and total lack of stability. Plant falls over the moment it get's alrge and heavy.
I use a 3" net pot (2.5? around that) and a small handful of hydroton. I've 90L of the stuff in the attic that will never be used as i just re-use. Only problem i have with it is a utter and total lack of stability. Plant falls over the moment it get's alrge and heavy.

Yeah i know all about that lol way around that is to use bigger net pot which offers a bit more stability or what i ended up doing was actually screwing the net pot to the top of the bucket, no more falling over.
Aye, i could stop it happening by simply screwing 3 or 4 brass hooks into the lid and using them as mooring anchors, but i'm a lazy bastard. 4 days have now passed, each day i tell myself MOVE A PLANT TO THE FLOWER CAB! every day i don't bother. No wonder i'm always running out :D
Im always running out. Ive told myself no more, i aint had a smoke for atleast 3 weeks now and its gonna be atleast that again before i do it aint good running out of smoke man. Im now doing a perpetual grow harvest 3 plants a week with the aim of 2oz min per plant (12/12 from seed) keep an oz 4 me and let the rest go hopefully i dont run out of smoke anymore.