Lol I was looking at my oldest critical auto today and it has got bits of purple in it has ak47 got purple in it
2g for 50quid lol enjoy that talc lololol
wheres my uk lightweights??? lolol
no, £50 on booze in the pub, the 2 g i had on me.
it was a bit racist... i don't mean to come across as a racist cunt.. but i am.. so i do...
lolol where ya from apart from pilot school lolol you should talk with ttt see if both carnt get the family allowance raised lolol
im pissed mantz n on the wind up if you aint gathered already m8 lololol
on the ruskie jizz juice again sambs? hahaha...
raspberry or lime this time?
lol, im 39 in 2 weeks time. ive been a heavy drinker since i was 13, ive had all the problems that any one could have; jail, no job, violence, crashed relationships, theft to supprt it, physical and mental issues, the whole bag of tricks buddy. i used to do a bottle of whiskey (raw) and maybe 6 litres of white cider a day. it will kill you. no shit or jokes. no fucking around mate. if u feel its getting too bad then go to your doc, im getting help myself, im not being funny, you know my behaviour from my posts, but i'll give u sum advice, if its gettin outta hand then go and see sum1 about it.
Be moderate in order to taste the joys of life in abundance. ~Epicurus
try the russian standard it's not bad and not too expensive.. saw it on special for £12 at asda
always try keep a bottle of vodka in the freezer - so good for shots.. it goes like gooey syrupy goodness..
grey goose is business but fukken way overpriced..
it's all about moderation sambs..
that's right bitches i just quoted epicurus sha'ting
i worry tho duru i got a kid and numerous address's i dont need people sending letters or visits too but your right tho m8 its getting a prob same as the rest i was hooked on them benzo's seriously for a good few yrs and the powder before that it was only the nuthouse n the lorazepam that got me hooked on the benzos lol it aint funny and your right i do need to see some1 but i dont also need that shit in me life???