The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Argh! Bloody pH! Farting about with the pH down, get my solution down to 5.9, leave it for a bit, stir, still 5.9, so I stir it leave it again. Still 5.9. So I put one tiny tiny pin point drop of pH down in it. 5.6, the bastard pH went down to 5.6. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!


Well-Known Member
Argh! Bloody pH! Farting about with the pH down, get my solution down to 5.9, leave it for a bit, stir, still 5.9, so I stir it leave it again. Still 5.9. So I put one tiny tiny pin point drop of pH down in it. 5.6, the bastard pH went down to 5.6. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!
5.9 is all good no need to fuck with it any more than that 5.8-6.2 all good


Well-Known Member
Argh! Bloody pH! Farting about with the pH down, get my solution down to 5.9, leave it for a bit, stir, still 5.9, so I stir it leave it again. Still 5.9. So I put one tiny tiny pin point drop of pH down in it. 5.6, the bastard pH went down to 5.6. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!
what PH you trying to achieve and for what medium? i find it easier to mix a bottle of ph down with a 2 litre bottle of water and keep it in the bottle , then it doesnt drop as much when you add abit ;)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Sounds like coco? For coco i just aim anywhere ebtween 5.5 and 6.5 and couldn't really care, if the meter beeps and sais 5.6, i'll leave it like that for a week :D. With hydro i got for 5.5-6.5 but generally 5.5-6.0


Well-Known Member
ah, I'm in coco for the first time. I'm following Pukka's grow journal, he waters at 5.8.
So it's cool to leave it once I enter the 5.5-6.5 range? Cool, I've often wanted to just leave it and water at 6.0, as 2 drops of KCL in 1L of solution will bring it to that.


RIU Bulldog
What up UK? from a bean in Vegas.
I've been doing so online research on a naturally occurring plant growth hormone that I recently learned about called triacontanol. The way I found out about this hormone was reading Collective Gardener's thread (specifically the last maybe, 10-20 pages of it) where he starts using this new fertilizer called 'Yellow Bottle Final Bloom'. He say's that adding it the last few weeks of flower has given him a 20% increase in real weight, meaning it's not water weight. Something about the calyxes stacking differently or something.
This guy has been growing for 30+ years, and has tried a lot of the trick out there. He's totally blown away by this product.
So I looked into it and found out the active ingredient is triacontanol. The shit's expensive. I guess a kilo of pure triacontanol is like 500,000E. The Yellow Bottle stuff is $80 alone, so I started looking into organic sources of the hormone.
It turns out that if used in a tea, alfalfa pellets & alfalfa meal have the active ingredient triacontanol in it and can be used as a soil drench or a spray. It's been widely studied in the US and is already used in commercial cotton, rice and corn farming to increase yield and production. It can be used in veg to increase leafy vegetative growth and at the end of flower to increase bud size.

Treating Yourself forum conversation about triacontanol in alfalfa. Short.
.doc by a private nutrient company, but has good info at the beginning. Very short.

Anyways, check out these short reads. They're light so don't give it a look.


Well-Known Member
ah, I'm in coco for the first time. I'm following Pukka's grow journal, he waters at 5.8.
So it's cool to leave it once I enter the 5.5-6.5 range? Cool, I've often wanted to just leave it and water at 6.0, as 2 drops of KCL in 1L of solution will bring it to that.
Eyup mate canna say 5.5 - 6.2 so any where in that an your sound i usaully just shoot for 5.8 cos its in the middle an if you ph meter is out by a point or 2 your still good, hope this helps mate
If you ever fuck up an go way to low you can use abit of rhiz to raise it back up if your runnin stuff low and no chance of burn, an if ya runnin high i just add some more tap till im back at least to 5.5, just means the plants are gettin a slightly weaker dose that 1 feed, so saves chuckin the mix mate.


Well-Known Member
Sage advice and well needed, I usually just throw away the whole batch as adding baking soda on top of ph down is just the gateway to more problems (imo).

Also thanks for the awesome journal man, really helping me getting used to coco! I'm heading towards day 28 now, steadily lowering Rhiz and increasing A&B. I won't be using Cal-Max though as I believe I'm in moderately hard water area. Also, it's hard to find the one you used!!! They don't sell it in the uk :(


Well-Known Member
Sage advice and well needed, I usually just throw away the whole batch as adding baking soda on top of ph down is just the gateway to more problems (imo).

Also thanks for the awesome journal man, really helping me getting used to coco! I'm heading towards day 28 now, steadily lowering Rhiz and increasing A&B. I won't be using Cal-Max though as I believe I'm in moderately hard water area. Also, it's hard to find the one you used!!! They don't sell it in the uk :(
No probs mate glad i can help, i would get some calmag supp tho mate if i was you, or wait an see how you go, you'l no once your in flower if you need.


Well-Known Member
Ah awesome! I've been searching for cal max and not calmax, no wonder I couldn't find it! I'll be buying one of those very shortly. I've held off buying Cal-Mag from the grow shop as the NPK is quite high, Cal Max with just 2-0-0 is perfect.
Hi just woundering if any one knows what the strain is that comes from sheifield. Its smells really fruity and unreal known as blues and I don't think its all blueberry as my mate grow that and it dint smell anythink like the blues from shefield iv been looking around and not sure but think it could be one from underground originals but not sure so hope some one out there can help cheers


Well-Known Member
i saw more positive how about u bud

well yes i here it has good results BUT it takes longer so u gotta weigh that shit up maybe experiment witha a seperate plantg if u got the space me personally from what i read wold have a go unlike the wet cure that dont osund cool


Well-Known Member
Hi just woundering if any one knows what the strain is that comes from sheifield. Its smells really fruity and unreal known as blues and I don't think its all blueberry as my mate grow that and it dint smell anythink like the blues from shefield iv been looking around and not sure but think it could be one from underground originals but not sure so hope some one out there can help cheers
Its called livers, its a clone only strain mate
You a new user or different name? ;)


Well-Known Member
well yes i here it has good results BUT it takes longer so u gotta weigh that shit up maybe experiment witha a seperate plantg if u got the space me personally from what i read wold have a go unlike the wet cure that dont osund cool
ah then ill pass on that these will be coming down early as it is need some pennys for xmas , smoking water cured bud atm , dont do it.