Its been a few weeks now but its still weird. Presume he couldnt deal with not being one of the lads, playing footy every week. very sad though
Yeah but I reckon thats just horseshit. Quite a few players come out & say how difficult it is to deal with. That mental northerner Dean Windass said this week he's tried to top himself a few times recently (he never was a good finisher - ooooohhh)theres rumors hes was gay and was about to outed by the papers who no's fucking strange tho...............
gary speed why ja fink he topped himself then??? bit random but this black label is working hard lol
Yeah but I reckon thats just horseshit. Quite a few players come out & say how difficult it is to deal with. That mental northerner Dean Windass said this week he's tried to top himself a few times recently (he never was a good finisher - ooooohhh)
Yeah but I reckon thats just horseshit. Quite a few players come out & say how difficult it is to deal with. That mental northerner Dean Windass said this week he's tried to top himself a few times recently (he never was a good finisher - ooooohhh)
yeah you would think so the welsh love a good arse bandit look at that rugby bloke dunno his name? fuck nos why that crazy cunt topped himself but to hang yaself i would imagine ya in a very dark place and being welsh footy manager n loved by many just all dont ring true???
sorry call me heartless but seriously
hes a washed out footballer who played for leeds n the 90's he proly binged and took drugs and was a nereal prik
im sorry for his familys loss(if ther even botheres
in no way does his death affect our ligfes so why is it some big new?
but they dont put storys about our soldiers in afghanistan what get mamed and body parts missing from ieds i dont even think they mention ther deaths anymore its a fucking joke
you can work in a potatato factory and get paid more THAN PROTECTING YOUR COUNTRY
sorry have i gone on one what was this about again?
pop another pill fella lolsorry call me heartless but seriously
pop another pill fella lol
im just about to u want any gabbies? i took nrly 84 300mb in 7 days lol so doc came today i told here what id done so she upped my dose
so i got sum 300;s spare if anyone wants any not loads butb elive me 3 and ur fucked up
and when they kick in i star seeing doucle my typings bad enough without erring couble"lol
and u saying bout soldiers getting killed etc etc but wot about the innocent afghanis who have bin blown to shite and had there familys wiped out? now we dont hear about them as it aint good to admit the western world is a evil money making murdering group companys. u no the so called greart english army has bin sold off and privately owned. a big company. aint no wars about right or freedom its bout money and cheapness. if no profit in it no wars. think best pic i saw on afghan war was english troops guarding a massive opium grow. haha yeah really about terrorists.