The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I'm a troll!! Jokes.

i was round a while bk posting as GreenThumb2k10. Back when it was an episode of eastenders in here. And every other word was cunt. Seems a lot tamer in here now lol.

Sorry to hear about Billy, may he rest in peace. He was a mad head tho.
well i have been gone for a few months m8 so carnt say there wont be a few cuntings off now im back i apologise in advance lol

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Get a lawyer asap and if they don't have a warrant tell them they can't enter. Also if they have a witness proceed to tell the officers you know their motive. Tell them you know they are commiting "motion to surpress physical evidence" also let them know you demand or will proceed with a "motion of discovery" motion of discovery has to disclose who the witness is. If it was a cop his word isn't bond cause they lied. Also smell alone doesn't justify probable cause. They leos are their to enforce infractions of the law. Their job description also doesn't mention they are "blood hounds" or have the capability "to sniff out weed". If they used a dog without warrant that is a illegal search. No matter what do not open the door!! Tell them that your lawyer said they need a search warrant and they need to furnish one. Declare your amendable rights stand your ground they are trying to intimidate you. In the event your in court only chance would be for them to prove you where growing cannabis sativa. Legal dictionary description of of marijuanna is cannabis Sativa not cannabis indica. Also next course you have against them is illegal search and seizure. Take pictures lots especially of the window. Also what window do they claim they where thrown out of. This a tale of he said this, they said that.
Do you know where you are? This is the U.K mate!


Active Member
Lol it's all good. Pop over to my new thread n get subd up if u get time. Link in sig.

ICE, I think you began to follow my old thread before I stopped posting, so same as sambo, link in sig!


Well-Known Member

Alright boys how's it hanging? Any 1 ran critical+ before? Heard its got a bit of a flowery taste to it.
shouldnt u be off fucking badgers they are nocturnal after all missing ya moment there spoons lol i ran critical mass from mr nice wouldnt say it was flowery just very average........


Well-Known Member
all u fannys gone bed already??? dont make me resort back to pornhub for me entertainment its 1st day i had net in ages and bit sore down there from this mornings session lmao


Well-Known Member
so they didn't find Ur Rambo knife and go through you're mattress with it lookin for "evidence" then
No mate. Their powers were limited because they didn't have a warrant. I won't be standing for this! They violated us brother! I will be fighting this one until the end.


Well-Known Member
all good and dandy chronic but it will all go to shit the desk sergeant will say they had just cause to enter, they always do and could always wip up a sect 18 warrent backdated to shut everyone up

fukit the house is burned unless ur scotish then dont risk ti
Ice I'm sorry mate but would you stand for that shit if you were in my shoes fella!! I have been done mate yes, but would you roll over based on a filthy concocted story! I don't think so mate!


Well-Known Member
u been done dimebag more fool you growin next to a fucktard that was bringing attention to your grow location, if my neighbours had feds at there door every second turn would i continue to grow there errm NO, id rather take it elsewhere i.e elsewhere i aint gonna get nicked cause of the twat next door.

your take your caution for 10plants and say sorry officer, but rant all u wont on the net get it off ya chest lol


Well-Known Member
Dude Its got nothing to do with rant! I was well in to my crop when this shit happened! would you pull a crop for the sake of two weeks before it's done? And if you read properly it's not a caution matey. I'ts court for me. It probably won't amount to much but there are inconsistency's in the police's method of entry! But ok, I'll roll over and take my punishment mate.


Well-Known Member
Dude Its got nothing to do with rant! I was well in to my crop when this shit happened! would you pull a crop for the sake of two weeks before it's done? And if you read properly it's not a caution matey. I'ts court for me. It probably won't amount to much but there are inconsistency's in the police's method of entry! But ok, I'll roll over and take my punishment mate.
yes i would and if you read the thread i have done it, rather have early shit to sell cheap than fuck all and the feds on my case???

fair enough u got previous but wasnt for drugs was it? ur get a caution or slap on the wrist 10 plants aint much not that im no commercial grower fuck i only got 2 at the min but 10 isnt nowt, when neighbours are bringin feds to there door which is next to yours how long b4 u get nicked?


Active Member
yes i would and if you read the thread i have done it, rather have early shit to sell cheap than fuck all and the feds on my case???

fair enough u got previous but wasnt for drugs was it? ur get a caution or slap on the wrist 10 plants aint much not that im no commercial grower fuck i only got 2 at the min but 10 isnt nowt, when neighbours are bringin feds to there door which is next to yours how long b4 u get nicked?

What he said, I'd have taken it two weeks early just for smoke. Fuck I took a 4 week prem plant the other day just so I have something to smoke.


Well-Known Member
Yeh you're right dude. They had been back and forth for weeks without any attention though. lesson learnt! I'm on 12 months good behavior. I was only in court last month lol Hopefully I don't end up with a shit head judge.